Legislative Agendas: Here’s What’s On Tap Under The Gold Dome On Thursday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

Here’s what’s on tap under the Gold Dome on Thursday (February 16th):

SENATE QUORUM 12:00 PM Senate Chambers

Group (3) Committees scheduled to meet


Senate Commerce Meeting 1:00 PM

Committee Room 6, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Sen. Pou, Nellie

A4192 [Greenwald, Louis D.], Architects-updates educational & experience requirements to obtain licensure

S1352 [Turner, Shirley K.], Breach of security, containing personal info.-revise requirements for disclosure

S2773 [Ruiz, M. Teresa], Cosmetology & hairstyling student-permit wash hair, 60 hrs of course instruction

S3082 [Beach, James], Architects-updates educational & experience requirements to obtain licensure

S3137 [Cryan, Joseph P.], Veterinarians-requires publication of prices of standard and emergency services

S3156 [Madden, Fred H.], Prof & occupational licenses-req issuance of report on processing of application

S3327 [Gopal, Vin/Cryan, Joseph P.], “Pet Insurance Act”-concerns

S3404 [Gopal, Vin/Pou, Nellie], Ice plant operators and dealers, packaged-provide for licensure of

S3578 [Testa, Michael L./Pou, Nellie], Real Estate Comm soliciting owners regarding home sale-req initial text message


Senate Economic Growth Meeting 10:30 AM

Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Sen. Cruz-Perez, Nilsa I.

A4132 [Stanley, Sterley S./Jaffer, Sadaf F.+6], Agricultural Literacy Week-establish S2669 [Turner, Shirley K.], Housing, certain employees on commercial farms-adopt agric. management practices

S2800 [Gopal, Vin/Bucco, Anthony M.+10], Arts & culture org-approp. federal funds; support orgs impacted by COVID-19;$70M

S3333 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa I./Corrado, Kristin M.], Low Income Household Water Assistance Prog-concerns from taking cert actions

S3426 [Cruz-Perez, Nilsa I.], Agricultural Literacy Week-establish Pending Referral:

S1803 [Singleton, Troy/Gopal, Vin], Cats and other animals-prohibits surgical declawing


Senate Environment and Energy Meeting 10:00 AM

Committee Room 10, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Sen. Smith, Bob

A179 [Carter, Linda S./Moen, William F.+4], Water purveyors-require DEP make certain information available on its website

S752 [Lagana, Joseph A./Greenstein, Linda R.], Water purveyors-require DEP make certain information available on its website

S1336 [Beach, James/Greenstein, Linda R.], Jersey Fresh sales pilot program-direct Department of Agriculture estab.;$500K

S1530 [Greenstein, Linda R.+2], Hazard mitigation plans, State & county-req. climate change threat assessments

S2246 [Pennacchio, Joseph/Gopal, Vin+1], Lake management activities-establishes grant program in DEP;$10M

S2247 [Beach, James], Horseback riding on State-owned lands-requires use of protective headgear

S3123 [Smith, Bob/Greenstein, Linda R.], Solar Energy Prog, Community-incr goal of projects to 500 megawatts per year

S3224 [Singleton, Troy], Electric vehicle charging depots-req request for proposal to estab demo program

S3556 [Smith, Bob/Stanfield, Jean], Clean Energy Advocate-estab in BPU; facilitate interagency clean energy proj

S3582 [Greenstein, Linda R.], Perfluoroalkyl/polyfluoroalkyl substances-study alternative water supply source


Senate Higher Education Meeting Chair: Sen. Cunningham, Sandra B.

The Committee will not meet.


ASSEMBLY QUORUM 1:00 PM Assembly Chambers

10:00 AM: Committee Group (C) Scheduled to meet 2:00 PM: Committee Group (D) Scheduled to meet


An individual interested in registering their position with the Committee may fill out the Registration Form located on the New Jersey Legislature Home Page under the applicable Committee heading. Witness slips also will be available in the Committee Room and written testimony will be accepted at the Committee Meeting


Assembly Agriculture and Food Security and Assembly Tourism, Gaming and the Arts Joint Meeting 1:00 PM Committee Room 16, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Chairs: Asm. Caputo, Ralph R./Asm. Freiman, Roy

Pending Referral:

A5097 [Freiman, Roy/Haider, Shama A.], Tourism attraction trail sign program and historic site-establish in DOT

A5098 [Freiman, Roy/Spearman, William W.+2], Tourism regions and subregions, new-establish

A5100 [Freiman, Roy], Tourism plans, reports, and marketing-concerns; eliminate Tourism Policy Council


Assembly Budget Meeting

Chair: Asw. Pintor Marin, Eliana

The Committee will not meet.


Assembly Education Meeting Chair: Asw. Lampitt, Pamela R.

The Committee will not meet.


Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Meeting 2:00 PM Committee Room 9, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Asm. Kennedy, James J.

A1755 [McKeon, John F./Calabrese, Clinton+1], Lawn sprinklers-requires installation of operational automatic rain sensor

A3393 [Space, Parker/Wirths, Harold J.+1], Franklinite-designates as State official mineral

A4352 [Umba, Brandon E.], Richard J. Sullivan Building-designates DEP State office building in Trenton as

S1727 [Oroho, Steven V./Durr, Edward+2], Franklinite-designates as State official mineral

S2728 [Smith, Bob/Stanfield, Jean], Richard J. Sullivan Building-designates DEP State office building in Trenton as

For Discussion Only:

A2806 [Calabrese, Clinton], Spill Compensation and Control Act cap-incr on recovery damages cert dischargers


Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Meeting 1:00 PM Committee Room 14, 4th Floor,

State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Asw. Speight, Shanique

Pending Referral:

A1707 [Speight, Shanique], VCCO, order payment to crime victim- establishes presumption

A4978 [Speight, Shanique/Mosquera, Gabriela M.+4], Violence Intervention & Victim Assistance, Division-establishes;$5.5M

A5135 [Speight, Shanique/Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina], VCCO-prohibts denying award of comp. to victims w/outstanding warrants/charges


Assembly Human Services Meeting Chair: Asw. Jimenez, Angelica M.

The Committee will not meet.


Assembly Judiciary Meeting 10:00 AM

Committee Room 12, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Asm. Mukherji, Raj

A3093 [Stanley, Sterley S./Jaffer, Sadaf F.], Domestic violence restraining orders- include pregnant victim’s child upon birth

A3117 [Mukherji, Raj/Spearman, William W.+1], Juvenile-clarifies rights to attorney representation; 12 month review hearing

A3730 [Stanley, Sterley S.], Children, counseling-permit court to order in households with domestic violence

A4939 [McKeon, John F.+1], Right of person to marry or enter into civil union with person of any race-estab


Assembly Labor Meeting 10:00 AM

Committee Room 15, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Asm. Egan, Joseph V.

A664 [Verrelli, Anthony S./Atkins, Reginald W.], Second Chance Program-establish; provide opportunities thru labor organizations

A4832 [Mukherji, Raj], Workers’ compensation fees-raises maximum for evaluating physicians

A5084 [Speight, Shanique/Atkins, Reginald W.], Bereavement leave-concerns for death of child, miscarriage, and stillbirth

A5085 [Tully, P. Christopher], Govt. construction work, employer/contractor-register & submit payroll to DOLWD


Assembly Military and Veterans’ Affairs Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 13, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Asw. Tucker, Cleopatra G.

The Committee will receive testimony from invited guests and members of the public on the challenges veterans face when using the transportation network for accessing federally funded care.

A2385 [Wimberly, Benjie E.+1], Police & firefighter-unable to complete req due to mil svc, subsequent elig list

A4007 [Murphy, Carol A.], Vet., disab. & Purple Heart recipient-not req to own veh, exempt from meter fees


Assembly Science, Innovation and Technology Meeting 2:00 PM Committee Room 15, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Asm. Tully, P. Christopher

A5158 [Tully, P. Christopher/Murphy, Carol A.], Advertisement grant program-establish for emerging businesses

A5159 [Tully, P. Christopher/Freiman, Roy], Financial Assistance, Office-establish in EDA to help access opportunities

A5160 [Tully, P. Christopher/Murphy, Carol A.], Needs-matching website-require EDA create for entities engaged in innovation

A5161 [Tully, P. Christopher/Park, Ellen J.], Grant program to promote NJ as innovation hub-require to establish

AR165 [Park, Ellen J.+1], National Aeronautics & Space Admin-urge Congress & President increase funding


Assembly Special Committee on Infrastructure and Natural Resources Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 9,

3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Asm. Karabinchak, Robert J.

The Committee will meet to hear testimony from invited guests concerning water, dam, and road infrastructure improvements, and specifically on the effective use of allocated funding towards these projects.


Assembly State and Local Government Meeting 2:00 PM Committee Room 13, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Asm. Verrelli, Anthony S.

A468 [Murphy, Carol A.+4], State agency websites-make accessible to people w/disabilities on mobile devices

A1439 [Kennedy, James J./Stanley, Sterley S.+1], Food waste-solid waste management district required to develop strategy plan

A1938 [Swain, Lisa/Mukherji, Raj+2], Menstrual products-estab req for St entities enter bulk purchasing arrangements

A4397 [Caputo, Ralph R./Guardian, Donald A.+4], Esports-include as internet gaming; prov addtl permits; permits sports wagering

A4746 [Greenwald, Louis D./Park, Ellen J.+2], Mail-in ballot, accessible-requires availability for voters with disabilities

A5175 [Verrelli, Anthony S./McKnight, Angela V.], General Election-change certain deadlines

A5176 [Coughlin, Craig J.], Reporting election results-require on night of primary and general election

A5177 [Verrelli, Anthony S./McKnight, Angela V.], Primary election-change certain deadlines


Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Meeting 10:00 AM Committee Room 11, 4th Floor,

State House Annex, Trenton, NJ Chair: Asm. Benson, Daniel R.

A2178 [Catalano, John/McGuckin, Gregory P.+1], Domestic Violence Awareness license plates-authorizes creation

A2394 [Wimberly, Benjie E./Jaffer, Sadaf F.], Driver’s license restoration after suspension-clarifies procedures

A4794 [Benson, Daniel R./Mukherji, Raj], Electric vehicle charging depots-req request for proposal to estab demo program

A4866 [Freiman, Roy/Mukherji, Raj+4], Resilient NJ Revolving Loan Fund-estab & auth issuance of bonds by NJ Infra Bank

AJR195 [Benson, Daniel R.], Rail Safety Week-designates third week of September For Discussion Only:

A1484 [Benson, Daniel R./Lopez, Yvonne+3], Transit Bus Riders’ Bill of Rights-estab


Assembly Women and Children Meeting Chair: Asw. Mosquera, Gabriela M.

The Committee will not meet.


New Jersey Law Revision Commission Meeting 10:00 AM

The Commission meeting will be conducted remotely. Members of the public who wish to submit comments on any agenda item, or would like to participate,

contact Laura C.Tharney in advance of the start time of the meeting, at: lct@njlrc.org

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