Legislative Black Caucus Women Seek Reapportionment Commission Representation

Democratic women of the Legislative Black Caucus sent a letter today to Democratic Party Chairman John Currie and Vice Chair Peg Schaffer, reminding them that the representation of women and women of color on the reapportionment commission "is critical for fair representation and the future of partisan politics."
Their full letter can be found below:
Dear Chairman Currie and Vice Chairwoman Shaffer:
While we have been consumed by building a safe road to recovery for individuals and families in our great state during this pandemic, the state continues to prepare for an important process which determines the representation of our communities known as redistricting. Governor Murphy and the Democratic State Committee have effectively dismissed talk of the appointments to the Legislative Reapportionment Commission until the fall because high-level life-saving measures were critical and needed immediate attention. However still, there has recently been chatter regarding appointments. As the women of the New Jersey Legislative Black Caucus, we would like to express our view regarding the make-up of the Legislative Reapportionment Commission. The unwavering commitment of women voters and women in politics has shaped the future of government and warrants equitable representation on the Commission. Even in this year 2020, which marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment guaranteeing and protecting the women’s constitutional right to vote, we continue to fight for a seat at the table. This time it is a seat at a table that will create fair districts for diverse representation, including women and people of color. The very district that a few of us represent today was realigned with new towns added during the last redistricting process. This created an opportunity for the ability of a number of women to run for office, including 8 of the African American women serving in the Assembly representing urban and suburban districts. The selection of commission members by both the Democratic and Republican leadership has merit and value. The representation of women and women of color on the commission is critical for fair representation and the future of partisan politics. As representatives of Democratic women in the state and members of the New Jersey Legislative Black Caucus, we would like you to strongly consider the addition of two female representatives to the committee, one seat being held by an African American woman. Women, of diverse backgrounds and heritage, have historically been this country’s and New Jersey’s reliable, driven and resounding voice for our children, civil rights and for turning out the vote in every election. Before, the final piece of pie is served with the completion of appointments to the commission, careful and meticulous consideration must be given to equitable representation of women and women of color on the panel. Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter. With Regards, Shavonda E. Sumter Linda Carter Mila Jasey Verlina Reynolds-Jackson Angela McKnight Shanique Speight Britnee Timberlake Cleo Tucker