Legislative Digest for Thursday June 22nd

Here's what happened under the Gold Dome on Thursday June 22nd...
Nominations Advise and Consent:
Mary Elizabeth Gazi, Esq., of Bound Brook, to replace Mark W. Biedron.
Nominations Received and Referred to SJU:
Matthew P. McDermott, of Cranford, to replace the Honorable James S. Simpson, resigned.
Charlie Jones, of Kenilworth.
Maria Del Valle Koch, of Perth Amboy.
Nominations Withdrawn:
Robert W. Cockren, Esq., of Scotch Plains.
Nominations Corrected Copies:
Edward T. Oatman, of Woodbridge, to replace Robert W. Cockren, Esq. *NOT* Thomas J. Bistocchi, Ed.D.
Joseph M. Taylor, of Sea Bright *NOT* Monroe Township.
Raphael Salermo, of Warren, to replace Ronald Gravino *NOT* Daniel F. Becht, Esq.
Ronald Gravino, of Edison to replace Daniel F. Becht, Esq. *NOT* to succeed himself.
Bills Introduced:
S4 Vitale,J Health svr. corp.-revises proc. REF SBA
S3337 Ruiz,M/Rice,R Rental housing-concerns REF SCU
S3338 Stack,B/Codey,R+2 Victim/witness intimidation-concerns REF SJU
S3339 Diegnan,P.J./Cruz-Perez,N Food allergies-post signs at restaurants REF SHH
S3340 Sarlo,P Pub participation lawsuit-dismiss motion REF SJU
S3341 Ruiz,M Econ. Redevel-extend document submission REF SEG
S3342 Addiego,D Maritime training-waives boat safety req REF SLP
S3343 Beck,J Domestic viol-svc for victims;$2.240M REF SBA
S3344 Bucco,A.R. Payroll taxes-concerns REF SLA
S3345 Bucco,A.R. Pension plans, qualif-excl. tax contrib. REF SBA
S3346 Bucco,A.R. NJBEST contrib.-concerns tax deduct. REF SHA
S3347 Bucco,A.R. St. Auditor-auth cost-benf analyses prog REF SBA
S3348 Bucco,A.R. Marriage Penalty Elim. Act. REF SBA
S3349 Bucco,A.R. Home repair-tax deduct for cert expenses REF SCU
S3350 Cruz-Perez,N/Ruiz,M Fair Foreclosure Act-revises REF SCM
S3351 Sacco,N DEP oversight remediation-amends law REF SEN
S3355 Gordon,R Electric generation fac.-concerns REF SEG
S3356 Turner,S Cit. budget oversight committee-estab. REF SED
S3357 Cruz-Perez,N/Cunningham,S Domestic Viol. Tuition Waiver Prog. REF SJU
S3358 Van Drew,J Mike Trout Hwy.-desig. portion of Rt.49 REF STR
S3359 Cunningham,S/Gordon,R College Loans, Assist St. Students-elig. REF SHI
S3377 Sarlo,P/Scutari,N Will-concerns powers of appt. REF SJU
SJR112 Cruz-Perez,N/Diegnan,P.J. US Cadet Nurse Corps Day-desig. July 1 REF SHH
Bills Passed:
A373 Aca (1R) Auth,R/Vainieri Huttle,V+23 Joan's Law-murder of a minor, no parole (36-1)
A445 Mazzeo,V/Pinkin,N+8 WWII Vet. Memor. Fd.-prov. vol. contrib. (37-0)
A621 Aca (1R) Lagana,J/Greenwald,L+5 Amusement game-permited to sell alco bev (37-0)
A1185 Mosquera,G/Holley,J+5 Audit compliance reviews-report findings (37-0)
A1761 Eustace,T/Mukherji,R+1 Fencing companion animals-creates crime (38-0)
A1869 w/GR (1R) Wimberly,B/Vainieri Huttle,V+19 Min. & Women-owned bus.-St. contracting (36-0)
A1953 Coughlin,C/Lagana,J+14 Homestead prop tax-allow sr cit install. (38-0)
A2221 Benson,D/Russo,D+7 Boy Scouts of America Fd.-vol. contrib. (37-0)
A2297 Vainieri Huttle,V/Spencer,L+11 Contraceptives-req. insur cover, 12 mths (25-8)
A2993 AcaSa (2R) Conaway,H/Pinkin,N+10 Diabetes self-mgmt. ed.-Medicaid cover (38-0)
A3437 DeAngelo,W/Gusciora,R Garden State-desig. as St. Slogan (38-0)
A3438 Aca (1R) DeAngelo,W/Danielsen,J+3 Umemp. benf.-determination w/in 3 wks. (36-1)
A3463 Coughlin,C/Vitale,J+1 DOC-updates references (38-0)
A3749 DeAngelo,W/Land,R+9 100 Percent Disab. Vet-parking privilege (38-0)
A3944 Mazzeo,V/Lagana,J+5 Opioids used by students-concerns (38-0)
A4011 Jones,P/Barclay,A+5 USS New Jersey-desig. as State Ship (38-0)
A4164 Sca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+6 Unspent acct balances-req annual report (38-0)
A4206 Karabinchak,R/Prieto,V+1 Sch bd candidates-cert. affirmation (38-0)
A4230 Conaway,H/O'Scanlon,D+3 Organ donation-req cert insur coverage (38-0)
A4542 Aa (1R) Mazzeo,V/Johnson,G+1 St Trooper Frankie Williams Memor Hwy (38-0)
A4630 Jones,P/Cruz-Perez,N+1 Millers of grain-repeal law reg. charges (38-0)
AJR115 Vainieri Huttle,V/Lampitt,P+24 Concussion Awareness Day-desig. (38-0)
AJR126 Aca (1R) Dancer,R/DeAngelo,W+6 St Police. anniversary-commem. (38-0)
AJR137 Mazzeo,V/Whelan,J Internet gaming-proh. states from auth. (36-1)
S5 ScaSa (2R) Vitale,J/Sweeney,S+3 Emer. med. svc.-concerns (38-0)
S291/652/1954 ScsScsSs (SS) Vitale,J/Whelan,J+15 Telemedicine-prov. health care svcs. (38-0)
S726 Aca (1R) Cruz-Perez,N/Oroho,S+8 Vet.-extends full discrim. law prot. (38-0)
S1497 Bucco,A.R./Pennacchio,J+8 Killed in Action flag-desig. St. flag (37-0)
S1660 Van Drew,J/Cruz-Perez,N+7 St. memor. maintenance-voluntary contrib (36-0)
S1739 Sca (1R) Turner,S/Diegnan,P.J.+8 Law enforcement off-sexual training req. (38-0)
S1840 ScaAcaAa (3R) Ruiz,M/Gill,N+3 Crim justice sys info-proh fee, stop pub (36-0)
S2180 Sca (1R) Oroho,S Rural Electric Cooperative Act (38-0)
S2320 Sca (1R) Oroho,S Death benfs.-concerns claims (37-0)
S2563 ScaSa (2R) Weinberg,L/Kean,T+1 Resid health care fac-proh cert eviction (37-0)
S2704 Diegnan,P.J./Ruiz,M+1 Dual language prog.-estab. grant (36-0)
S2705 ScaSa (2R) Diegnan,P.J./Madden,F+1 Hearing Impairment Task Force-estab. (38-0)
S2805 Sca (1R) Gordon,R+1 Patient info.-limits cert. (30-4)
S2874 Scs (SCS) Greenstein,L/Cunningham,S+1 Electric sch. buses-auth. (38-0)
S3012 Lesniak,R/Oroho,S+2 Charitable food contrib.-tax duduct. (38-0)
S3102 ScaSa (2R) Whelan,J Tax cred. to qualif. bus.-concerns (28-6)
S3181 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Diegnan,P.J. Solar power generation fac proj-concerns (38-0)
S3219 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Kean,T+8 Sexual exploitation of children-concerns (38-0)
S3223 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+2 Sexual Assault Victim's Bill of Rights (38-0)
S3304 Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+1 Sexual Assault exam kit-AG conduct audit (38-0)
S3305 Scs (SCS) Sarlo,P Grow NJ Assist. Act-extends deadline (33-0)
S3331 Cruz-Perez,N/Jones,P Camden Co. Improv. Auth.-surplus prop. (37-0)
S3352 Ruiz,M/Bateman,C+6 Park devel. proj.;$71.7M (38-0)
S3353 Greenstein,L/Thompson,S+3 St. capital, park devel. proj.;$12.3M (38-0)
S3354 Gordon,R/Allen,D+8 Nonprofit entities-devel. lands;$8.992M (38-0)
SJR58 Van Drew,J/Beach,J+3 Wine Wk.-desig last full wk of September (38-0)
SR59 Gordon,R/Turner,S Prescrip opioids-adopt abuse by students (Voice)
Bills Substituted:
A373 Aca (1R) Auth,R/Vainieri Huttle,V+23 Joan's Law-murder of a minor, no parole SUB FOR S607 (1R)
A445 Mazzeo,V/Pinkin,N+8 WWII Vet. Memor. Fd.-prov. vol. contrib. SUB FOR S1661
A621 Aca (1R) Lagana,J/Greenwald,L+5 Amusement game-permited to sell alco bev SUB FOR S2328 (2R)
A1185 Mosquera,G/Holley,J+5 Audit compliance reviews-report findings SUB FOR S2771
A1761 Eustace,T/Mukherji,R+1 Fencing companion animals-creates crime SUB FOR S332
A1953 Coughlin,C/Lagana,J+14 Homestead prop tax-allow sr cit install. SUB FOR S2448
A2221 Benson,D/Russo,D+7 Boy Scouts of America Fd.-vol. contrib. SUB FOR S2453
A2297 Vainieri Huttle,V/Spencer,L+11 Contraceptives-req. insur cover, 12 mths SUB FOR S659
A2993 AcaSa (2R) Conaway,H/Pinkin,N+10 Diabetes self-mgmt. ed.-Medicaid cover SUB FOR S1305 (2R)
A3437 DeAngelo,W/Gusciora,R Garden State-desig. as St. Slogan SUB FOR S1076
A3438 Aca (1R) DeAngelo,W/Danielsen,J+3 Umemp. benf.-determination w/in 3 wks. SUB FOR S1564 (1R)
A3463 Coughlin,C/Vitale,J+1 DOC-updates references SUB FOR S2038
A3749 DeAngelo,W/Land,R+9 100 Percent Disab. Vet-parking privilege SUB FOR S2114
A3944 Mazzeo,V/Lagana,J+5 Opioids used by students-concerns SUB FOR S2402
A4011 Jones,P/Barclay,A+5 USS New Jersey-desig. as State Ship SUB FOR S2887
A4164 Sca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+6 Unspent acct balances-req annual report SUB FOR S2588 (1R)
A4206 Karabinchak,R/Prieto,V+1 Sch bd candidates-cert. affirmation SUB FOR S2676
A4230 Conaway,H/O'Scanlon,D+3 Organ donation-req cert insur coverage SUB FOR S3141
A4542 Aa (1R) Mazzeo,V/Johnson,G+1 St Trooper Frankie Williams Memor Hwy SUB FOR S2986 (1R)
A4630 Jones,P/Cruz-Perez,N+1 Millers of grain-repeal law reg. charges SUB FOR S1938
AJR115 Vainieri Huttle,V/Lampitt,P+24 Concussion Awareness Day-desig. SUB FOR SJR81
AJR126 Aca (1R) Dancer,R/DeAngelo,W+6 St Police. anniversary-commem. SUB FOR SJR85 (1R)
AJR137 Mazzeo,V/Whelan,J Internet gaming-proh. states from auth. SUB FOR SJR102
S332 Scutari,N/Bateman,C+2 Companion animals-creates fencing crime SUB BY A1761
S607 Sca (1R) Addiego,D/Bucco,A.R.+7 Joan's Law-murder of a minor, no parole SUB BY A373 (1R)
S659 Turner,S/Allen,D+3 Contraceptives-req. insur cover, 12 mths SUB BY A2297
S1076 Turner,S Garden State-desig. as St. Slogan SUB BY A3437
S1305 ScaSca (2R) Vitale,J/Madden,F+1 Diabetes self-mgmt. ed.-Medicaid cover SUB BY A2993 (2R)
S1564 Sca (1R) Turner,S/Beach,J Umemp. benf.-determination w/in 3 wks. SUB BY A3438 (1R)
S1661 Van Drew,J/Bucco,A.R.+1 WWII Vet. Memor. Fd.-prov. vol. contrib. SUB BY A445
S1938 Cruz-Perez,N Millers of grain-repeal law reg. charges SUB BY A4630
S2038 Vitale,J/Codey,R DOC-updates references SUB BY A3463 w/c
S2114 Beach,J/Connors,C+2 100 Percent Disab. Vet-parking privilege SUB BY A3749
S2328 ScaSca (2R) Cruz-Perez,N/Turner,S+1 Amusement game-permited to sell alco bev SUB BY A621 (1R)
S2402 Diegnan,P.J./Vitale,J+2 Opioids used by students-concerns SUB BY A3944
S2448 Vitale,J/Whelan,J+2 Homestead prop tax-allow sr cit install. SUB BY A1953
S2453 Diegnan,P.J./Greenstein,L+2 Boy Scouts of America Fd.-vol. contrib. SUB BY A2221
S2588 Sca (1R) Van Drew,J/Cruz-Perez,N+2 Unspent acct balances-req annual report SUB BY A4164 (1R)
S2676 Diegnan,P.J./Bucco,A.R. Sch bd candidates-cert. affirmation SUB BY A4206
S2771 Cruz-Perez,N/Van Drew,J Audit compliance reviews-report findings SUB BY A1185
S2887 Cruz-Perez,N/Beach,J+1 USS New Jersey-desig. as State Ship SUB BY A4011
S2986 Sca (1R) Van Drew,J St. Trooper Frankie Williams Memor. Hwy SUB BY A4542 (1R)
S3141 Codey,R Organ donation-req cert insur coverage SUB BY A4230
SJR81 Diegnan,P.J./Bucco,A.R.+9 Concussion Awareness Day-desig. SUB BY AJR115
SJR85 Sca (1R) Allen,D/Madden,F+3 St Police. anniversary-commem. SUB BY AJR126 (1R)
SJR102 Whelan,J+1 Internet gaming-proh. states from auth. SUB BY AJR137
Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:
A1139 ScaSaSa (3R) Holley,J/McKnight,A+1 Childrens suppl. mattress, unsafe-proh. (25-0) (Ruiz)
A1690 AcsScaSa (ACS/2R) Dancer,R/Singleton,T+5 Fire dist. election-move to November (28-0) (Beach)
A2993 AcaSa (2R) Conaway,H/Pinkin,N+10 Diabetes self-mgmt. ed.-Medicaid cover (32-0) (Vitale)
A4399 AcaAcaSa (3R) Greenwald,L/Johnson,G+15 Gold Star Family Counseling Prog.-estab. (32-0) (Beach)
S660/2002 ScsScsSa (SCS/1R) Turner,S/Beach,J Fire dist. elections-concerns (26-0) (Beach)
S1950 Sa (1R) Turner,S 9-1-1 svc.-hotels upgrade phone sys. (33-0) (Turner)
S2512 ScaSaSa (3R) Madden,F/Beach,J+2 Emp. leasing agreements-concerns (26-0) (Madden)
S2616 ScaSaSa (3R) Ruiz,M+2 Childrens suppl. mattress, unsafe-proh. (24-0) (Ruiz)
S2858 ScaSa (2R) Beach,J/Madden,F+3 Gold Star Family Counseling Prog.-estab. (32-0) (Beach)
Bills Transferred:
A4453 Downey,J/Houghtaling,E Pub, resides cert fed prop-req enroll FROM SED TO SBA
S2881 Ruiz,M Pupils, resides cert fed prop-req enroll FROM SED TO SBA
S2977 Lesniak,R Healthy Small Food Retailer Act FROM SEG TO SBA
SR98 Ruiz,M/Oroho,S+1 Impact aid pymts, increase-urges fed FROM SED TO SBA
Bills Received from Assembly/Concurrence w/Assembly Amendments/Given Second Reading:
S1315 ScaAa (2R) Vitale,J/Giblin,T+7 Physical therapy-revise statutes
S1731 Aa (1R) Gordon,R/Allen,D+3 Smoking, pub. places-estab. civil penal.
S1913 ScaAa (2R) Addiego,D/Greenstein,L+6 Personal Info. and Privacy Prot. Act
S2226 Aca (1R) Diegnan,P.J./Holley,J Parking auth-authorize as redevel entity
S2331 Aca (1R) Codey,R/Vitale,J+8 Psych., cert.-estab. tuition reimb. prog
S2459 ScaAcaAa (3R) Rice,R/Watson,B+1 Loc. unit emp. health insur.-concerns
Bills Received from Assembly/Concurrence w/Governor's Recommendation/Given Second Reading:
A4352 Aca w/GR (2R) Burzichelli,J/Taliaferro,A+2 Non-operating sch. dist.-concerns cert.
Bills Received from Assembly/Referred to Committee:
A222 Aca (1R) DeAngelo,W/Giblin,T+35 Library Constr. Bond Act REF SBA
A230 Danielsen,J/Mazzeo,V+3 First responders-civil liab. immunity REF SJU
A301 AcaAa (2R) Singleton,T/Schaer,G+8 St. tax expenditures-req. disclosure REF SBA
A446 Mazzeo,V/Andrzejczak,B+4 Wineries/DOT/St. toll rd. auth-sign prog REF SEG
A448 Mazzeo,V/Burzichelli,J+2 Athletic event official-background ck. REF SED
A804 Land,R/Andrzejczak,B Withholdings from emp. wages-cert. pymts REF SLA
A1114 Aca (1R) Oliver,S/Jasey,M+10 Student Learning Standards-concerns REF SED
A1272/3936 Acs (ACS) Caride,M/Singleton,T+2 Student Digital Priv Parental Rights Act REF SED
A1329 Aa (1R) Rible,D/Bramnick,J+7 Law enforcement off-protect home address REF SLP
A1451 Lampitt,P/Mosquera,G+5 Small, women, minority-owned bus-concern REF SBA
A1540 Peterson,E/Moriarty,P+31 Support Our Vet.-auth. lic. plate REF SMV
A1704 Aca (1R) Dancer,R/Houghtaling,E+3 Small bus.-suspend fines paperwork viol. REF SCM
A1935 Coughlin,C/Gusciora,R+1 Liquor lic, inactive-concerns REF SLP
A2095 Mukherji,R/Spencer,L Duckweed on pond, lake-post warning sign REF SEN
A2172 Aca (1R) Taliaferro,A/Andrzejczak,B Plenary winery lic.-concerns REF SLP
A2204 Aca (1R) Eustace,T/Benson,D+2 Electric generation fac.-concerns REF SEG
A2240 Aca (1R) DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E+5 Pub. libraries-CATV offer free internet REF SEG
A2612 Aca (1R) Gusciora,R/Moriarty,P+3 Veh. warranty-req. consumer notification REF SCM
A2643 Burzichelli,J/Holley,J+1 Wineries-restrict alco. beverages REF SLP
A3149 Aca (1R) Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+2 Bronze Star-prov. special lic. plate REF STR
A3150 Aca (1R) Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+14 Disab. vet. prop tax exemp elig-concerns REF SBA
A3319 Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+1 Roadside accident mem. prog.-DOT estab. REF STR
A3373 Vainieri Huttle,V/DeAngelo,W+3 Art in Storefronts-estab. REF SEG
A3612 AcaAaAa (3R) Greenwald,L/Lampitt,P+4 Playground-co design/construct inclusive REF SCU
A3732 Aca (1R) Space,P/Andrzejczak,B+1 Food hubs-Dept. of Agric. auth. & advise REF SEG
A3880 Pinkin,N/Karabinchak,R+2 Food allergies-post signs at restaurants REF SHH
A3975 Aca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Benson,D+2 Smoking, cert. bldgs.-permits REF SHH
A4034 AcaAca (2R) Singleton,T/Munoz,N+5 Monica's Law-domestic viol. risk prog. REF SJU
A4040 Aca (1R) Singleton,T/Munoz,N+7 Domestic viol. cases-prosecutor training REF SLP
A4045 AcaAca (2R) Munoz,N/Singleton,T+8 Domestic viol child exposed-treament svc REF SJU
A4058 Aca (1R) Quijano,A/Singleton,T Crim. Justice Info. Sharing Env. Council REF SBA
A4076 Vainieri Huttle,V/Webber,J Mun. reorg. meetings-held on alt. dates REF SCU
A4118/1949/1694 Acs (ACS) Mazzeo,V/Coughlin,C+9 Alco. bev. permit-auth sale, farm market REF SEG
A4168 Downey,J/Holley,J+2 Lifeline Cred/Tenants Asst-expands REF SEG
A4183 Greenwald,L/Downey,J Addl. data, temp. disab. ins. report-req REF SLA
A4278 AcaAca (2R) Muoio,E/Quijano,A Svc viol reporting-req cert notification REF SLA
A4357 Wimberly,B/Johnson,G+1 St. Emp., Training Comm.-changes comp. REF SLA
A4366 Mazzeo,V/Mukherji,R+7 Vet-incr allowance, cert. wartime disab. REF SBA
A4410 AcaAa (2R) Zwicker,A/Johnson,G+1 Freelance workers-concerns pymt. REF SLA
A4496 Wimberly,B/Sumter,S+2 Healthy Small Food Retailer Act REF SBA
A4531 Aca (1R) Schaer,G Pub. util. infra. proj.-concerns REF SEG
A4591 Lagana,J/Mukherji,R Autocabs, cert.-permits digital meters REF STR
A4606 Aca (1R) Dancer,R/Houghtaling,E+3 Bee nesting habitat-DEP desig. St. park REF SEN
A4663 Aca (1R) Eustace,T/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Low-speed elec bicycle-permits operation REF STR
A4670 Lampitt,P/Pintor Marin,E+3 Breast pump, supplies-sales tax exemp REF SHH
A4704 Singleton,T/Schaer,G+3 Pension fd, St-administered-transparency REF SBA
A4763 Caputo,R/Jasey,M+11 St. Tuition Aid Grant Prog.-concerns REF SHI
A4787 Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E+1 Agric. Devel. Committee-auth. farmers REF SEG
A4803 Gusciora,R/Muoio,E+4 Bus accelerator incubator network-grants REF SEG
A4804 Aca (1R) Gusciora,R/DeAngelo,W+4 Green Jobs Training Partnership Prog. REF SLA
A4865 Benson,D Oaths, administering-concerns REF SLP
A4867 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Oliver,S+1 Electronic toll transponder-rental car REF SCM
A4868 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Eustace,T+4 Zero emission veh.-extends warranty REF SEN
A4875 Muoio,E/Gusciora,R+1 Gubernatorial candidate's stmt.-post REF SBA
A4895 Egan,J/Sumter,S+1 Interns, emp. by hosp.-elim. UI exemp. REF SBA
A4906 Aca (1R) Lampitt,P/Holley,J+6 Summer meal prog, sch fac-notify student REF SED
A4908 Lampitt,P/Holley,J+1 Natl Sch Lunch Prog-online applications REF SED
A4969 Aca (1R) Oliver,S/Giblin,T+1 Montclair St. Univ.-pub. research univ. REF SBA
A4983 Caride,M/Jimenez,A Sch. emerg warning device-civil penal. REF SED
ACR13 Tucker,C/Gove,D+4 Armed Forces, sexual harassment-address REF SMV
AJR20 Munoz,N/DeAngelo,W+3 US Cadet Nurse Corps Day-desig. July 1 REF SHH
AJR113 Aa (1R) Tucker,C/Caputo,R+21 Caregivers Appreciation-Thanksgiving wk. REF SHH
AJR120 Wimberly,B Natl Obesity Awareness Month-Sept REF SHH
AJR142 McKnight,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Children's Mental Health Awareness-May REF SHH
AJR144 AcaAa (2R) Taliaferro,A/Andrzejczak,B+4 Healthy Pollinators Task Force-estab. REF SEN
Bills Received from Assembly/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
A31 Prieto,V/Muoio,E Work First NJ prog.-incr. benf.
A33 Muoio,E/Vainieri Huttle,V Work First NJ prog.-repeals family cap
A445 Mazzeo,V/Pinkin,N+8 WWII Vet. Memor. Fd.-prov. vol. contrib.
A2176 Taliaferro,A/Eustace,T+1 Flakka-criminalizes possession or sale
A2993 AcaSa (2R) Conaway,H/Pinkin,N+10 Diabetes self-mgmt. ed.-Medicaid cover
A3295 Aca (1R) McKeon,J/Benson,D+3 Clean Veh. Task Force-estab.
A3437 DeAngelo,W/Gusciora,R Garden State-desig. as St. Slogan
A4540 Muoio,E/Eustace,T+3 Smart growth issues-concerns
A4630 Jones,P/Cruz-Perez,N+1 Millers of grain-repeal law reg. charges
A4870 Prieto,V/Oliver,S+13 Safe Transp. Job and Fair Emp. Rules Act
A4927 Acs (ACS) Prieto,V/Oliver,S+5 Family leave-concerns
A4994 Acs (ACS) McKeon,J/Burzichelli,J+1 Govt. emp fed tax access info-crim check
A4999 Taliaferro,A/DiMaio,J John D. Burzichelli Bridge-desig. Rt.44
Bills Introduced:
A5040 Mukherji,R/Zwicker,A Paris Climate Accord-NJ join Alliance REF AEN
A5041 Mukherji,R Pharmacy benf. mgrs.-concerns REF AFI
A5042 Giblin,T Real estate brokers-exemp. cert. ed. req REF ARP
A5043 Kennedy,J/McKeon,J Paris Climate Agreement-St. uphold goals REF AEN
Bills Passed:
A31 Prieto,V/Muoio,E Work First NJ prog.-incr. benf. (48-24-2)
A33 Muoio,E/Vainieri Huttle,V Work First NJ prog.-repeals family cap (51-20-3)
A222 Aca (1R) DeAngelo,W/Giblin,T+35 Library Constr. Bond Act (63-12-1)
A230 Danielsen,J/Mazzeo,V+3 First responders-civil liab. immunity (76-0-0)
A301 AcaAa (2R) Singleton,T/Schaer,G+8 St. tax expenditures-req. disclosure (53-23-0)
A445 Mazzeo,V/Pinkin,N+8 WWII Vet. Memor. Fd.-prov. vol. contrib. (75-0-0)
A446 Mazzeo,V/Andrzejczak,B+4 Wineries/DOT/St. toll rd. auth-sign prog (76-0-0)
A448 Mazzeo,V/Burzichelli,J+2 Athletic event official-background ck. (76-0-0)
A804 Land,R/Andrzejczak,B Withholdings from emp. wages-cert. pymts (76-0-0)
A1114 Aca (1R) Oliver,S/Jasey,M+10 Student Learning Standards-concerns (76-0-0)
A1272/3936 Acs (ACS) Caride,M/Singleton,T+2 Student Digital Priv Parental Rights Act (76-0-0)
A1329 Aa (1R) Rible,D/Bramnick,J+7 Law enforcement off-protect home address (76-0-0)
A1451 Lampitt,P/Mosquera,G+5 Small, women, minority-owned bus-concern (67-8-1)
A1540 Peterson,E/Moriarty,P+31 Support Our Vet.-auth. lic. plate (76-0-0)
A1704 Aca (1R) Dancer,R/Houghtaling,E+3 Small bus.-suspend fines paperwork viol. (76-0-0)
A1935 Coughlin,C/Gusciora,R+1 Liquor lic, inactive-concerns (73-0-2)
A1955 ScaSa (2R) Jones,P/Lampitt,P+4 Estates, personal representative-concern (75-0-0)
A2095 Mukherji,R/Spencer,L Duckweed on pond, lake-post warning sign (61-10-4)
A2172 Aca (1R) Taliaferro,A/Andrzejczak,B Plenary winery lic.-concerns (74-0-1)
A2176 Taliaferro,A/Eustace,T+1 Flakka-criminalizes possession or sale (71-3-0)
A2204 Aca (1R) Eustace,T/Benson,D+2 Electric generation fac.-concerns (71-4-0)
A2240 Aca (1R) DeAngelo,W/Houghtaling,E+5 Pub. libraries-CATV offer free internet (71-3-1)
A2503 AcsSca (ACS/1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Mosquera,G+23 Stephen Komninos' Law-devel. disab. prot (74-0-0)
A2612 Aca (1R) Gusciora,R/Moriarty,P+3 Veh. warranty-req. consumer notification (59-12-4)
A2643 Burzichelli,J/Holley,J+1 Wineries-restrict alco. beverages (66-2-7)
A2993 Aca (1R) Conaway,H/Pinkin,N+10 Diabetes self-mgmt. ed.-Medicaid cover (69-4-2)
A2993 AcaSa (2R) Conaway,H/Pinkin,N+10 Diabetes self-mgmt. ed.-Medicaid cover (67-3-3)
A3149 Aca (1R) Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+2 Bronze Star-prov. special lic. plate (75-0-0)
A3150 Aca (1R) Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+14 Disab. vet. prop tax exemp elig-concerns (75-0-0)
A3295 Aca (1R) McKeon,J/Benson,D+3 Clean Veh. Task Force-estab. (50-18-7)
A3319 Land,R/Andrzejczak,B+1 Roadside accident mem. prog.-DOT estab. (54-11-9)
A3347 AcaSca (2R) Diegnan,P.J./Wolfe,D+5 Sch. Safety Specialist Academy-estab. (73-0-2)
A3373 Vainieri Huttle,V/DeAngelo,W+3 Art in Storefronts-estab. (70-2-1)
A3437 DeAngelo,W/Gusciora,R Garden State-desig. as St. Slogan (75-0-0)
A3612 AcaAaAa (3R) Greenwald,L/Lampitt,P+4 Playground-co design/construct inclusive (72-0-3)
A3732 Aca (1R) Space,P/Andrzejczak,B+1 Food hubs-Dept. of Agric. auth. & advise (74-0-0)
A3880 Pinkin,N/Karabinchak,R+2 Food allergies-post signs at restaurants (72-0-3)
A3975 Aca (1R) Pintor Marin,E/Benson,D+2 Smoking, cert. bldgs.-permits (75-0-0)
A4034 AcaAca (2R) Singleton,T/Munoz,N+5 Monica's Law-domestic viol. risk prog. (75-0-0)
A4040 Aca (1R) Singleton,T/Munoz,N+7 Domestic viol. cases-prosecutor training (75-0-0)
A4045 AcaAca (2R) Munoz,N/Singleton,T+8 Domestic viol child exposed-treament svc (75-0-0)
A4058 Aca (1R) Quijano,A/Singleton,T Crim. Justice Info. Sharing Env. Council (74-0-0)
A4076 Vainieri Huttle,V/Webber,J Mun. reorg. meetings-held on alt. dates (75-0-0)
A4118/1949/1694 Acs (ACS) Mazzeo,V/Coughlin,C+9 Alco. bev. permit-auth sale, farm market (72-0-2)
A4164 Sca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+6 Unspent acct balances-req annual report (73-0-0)
A4168 Downey,J/Holley,J+2 Lifeline Cred/Tenants Asst-expands (54-9-12)
A4183 Greenwald,L/Downey,J Addl. data, temp. disab. ins. report-req (55-20-0)
A4278 AcaAca (2R) Muoio,E/Quijano,A Svc viol reporting-req cert notification (51-23-1)
A4352 Aca w/GR (2R) Burzichelli,J/Taliaferro,A+2 Non-operating sch. dist.-concerns cert. (71-3-1)
A4357 Wimberly,B/Johnson,G+1 St. Emp., Training Comm.-changes comp. (74-0-1)
A4366 Mazzeo,V/Mukherji,R+7 Vet-incr allowance, cert. wartime disab. (75-0-0)
A4410 AcaAa (2R) Zwicker,A/Johnson,G+1 Freelance workers-concerns pymt. (52-23-0)
A4496 Wimberly,B/Sumter,S+2 Healthy Small Food Retailer Act (52-15-7)
A4531 Aca (1R) Schaer,G Pub. util. infra. proj.-concerns (72-0-3)
A4540 Muoio,E/Eustace,T+3 Smart growth issues-concerns (54-16-4)
A4591 Lagana,J/Mukherji,R Autocabs, cert.-permits digital meters (75-0-0)
A4606 Aca (1R) Dancer,R/Houghtaling,E+3 Bee nesting habitat-DEP desig. St. park (74-0-1)
A4630 Jones,P/Cruz-Perez,N+1 Millers of grain-repeal law reg. charges (74-0-0)
A4663 Aca (1R) Eustace,T/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Low-speed elec bicycle-permits operation (74-0-0)
A4670 Lampitt,P/Pintor Marin,E+3 Breast pump, supplies-sales tax exemp (75-0-0)
A4704 Singleton,T/Schaer,G+3 Pension fd, St-administered-transparency (75-0-0)
A4763 Caputo,R/Jasey,M+11 St. Tuition Aid Grant Prog.-concerns (75-0-0)
A4787 Andrzejczak,B/Houghtaling,E+1 Agric. Devel. Committee-auth. farmers (74-0-0)
A4803 Gusciora,R/Muoio,E+4 Bus accelerator incubator network-grants (53-22-0)
A4804 Aca (1R) Gusciora,R/DeAngelo,W+4 Green Jobs Training Partnership Prog. (52-21-2)
A4865 Benson,D Oaths, administering-concerns (74-0-0)
A4867 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Oliver,S+1 Electronic toll transponder-rental car (70-1-2)
A4868 Aca (1R) Moriarty,P/Eustace,T+4 Zero emission veh.-extends warranty (68-7-0)
A4870 Prieto,V/Oliver,S+13 Safe Transp. Job and Fair Emp. Rules Act (51-23-1)
A4875 Muoio,E/Gusciora,R+1 Gubernatorial candidate's stmt.-post (73-2-1)
A4895 Egan,J/Sumter,S+1 Interns, emp. by hosp.-elim. UI exemp. (75-0-0)
A4906 Aca (1R) Lampitt,P/Holley,J+6 Summer meal prog, sch fac-notify student (75-0-0)
A4908 Lampitt,P/Holley,J+1 Natl Sch Lunch Prog-online applications (74-0-0)
A4927 Acs (ACS) Prieto,V/Oliver,S+5 Family leave-concerns (49-23-3)
A4969 Aca (1R) Oliver,S/Giblin,T+1 Montclair St. Univ.-pub. research univ. (75-0-0)
A4983 Caride,M/Jimenez,A Sch. emerg warning device-civil penal. (75-0-0)
A4994 Acs (ACS) McKeon,J/Burzichelli,J+1 Govt. emp fed tax access info-crim check (75-0-0)
A4999 Taliaferro,A/DiMaio,J John D. Burzichelli Bridge-desig. Rt.44 (75-0-0)
ACR13 Tucker,C/Gove,D+4 Armed Forces, sexual harassment-address (75-0-0)
AJR20 Munoz,N/DeAngelo,W+3 US Cadet Nurse Corps Day-desig. July 1 (75-0-0)
AJR72 Sa (1R) Gove,D/Rumpf,B+7 Constitution Wk.-desig. Sept 17 thru 23 (74-0-0)
AJR113 Aa (1R) Tucker,C/Caputo,R+21 Caregivers Appreciation-Thanksgiving wk. (75-0-0)
AJR120 Wimberly,B Natl Obesity Awareness Month-Sept (75-0-0)
AJR142 McKnight,A/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Children's Mental Health Awareness-May (75-0-0)
AJR144 AcaAa (2R) Taliaferro,A/Andrzejczak,B+4 Healthy Pollinators Task Force-estab. (75-0-0)
AR176 Space,P/Andrzejczak,B+1 Imperfect fruits/vegetable-promote use (74-0-1)
AR198 Aca (1R) Pinkin,N/Gusciora,R Medicaid prog.-urges partnership (62-2-11)
AR212 Aca (1R) Schaer,G/Singleton,T+1 Apprentices, new-urge Pres. to enact leg (71-0-4)
AR216 Dancer,R/Houghtaling,E+3 Pollinators-homeowners create habitat (75-0-0)
AR234 Pinkin,N/Karabinchak,R+4 Prop. tax deduct.-Cong. not elim. (75-0-0)
AR237 Eustace,T/Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Animal shelters-adopt "no kill" policy (74-0-1)
AR254 Lampitt,P/Holley,J+4 Summer meal prog.-expand access (68-3-2)
AR255 Lampitt,P/Holley,J+2 USDA lower elig, fed nutrition prog-urge (70-3-2)
AR268 Aca (1R) McKeon,J/Muoio,E+1 US Immigration-oppose recent arrests (52-22-0)
AR272 Quijano,A/Chaparro,A Puerto Ricans cit.-commem 100th yr anniv (74-0-1)
AR273 Bramnick,J/Prieto,V Resid. of NJ-treat each other civilly (76-0-0)
S5 ScaSa (2R) Vitale,J/Sweeney,S+3 Emer. med. svc.-concerns (72-0-0)
S169 Bateman,C/McKeon,J+1 Emer. squad vol-hold mun elective office (75-0-0)
S291/652/1954 ScsScsSs (SS) Vitale,J/Whelan,J+15 Telemedicine-prov. health care svcs. (73-0-0)
S359 Codey,R/Vitale,J+3 Tobacco products-raises min. age (52-17-6)
S452 Sca (1R) Sacco,N/Greenstein,L+1 Emission control equip.-dealer disclose (66-6-2)
S596 ScaAca w/GR (3R) Cunningham,S/Greenstein,L+14 Corrections officers injured-comp. prog. (74-0-0)
S678 Rice,R/Watson,B+1 Loc govt budgets-comply w/fed hiring req (55-18-2)
S742 Sca (1R) Beach,J+1 Sch. surveillance equip.-concerns access (74-0-1)
S1297/1990 Scs (SCS) Vitale,J/Sweeney,S Sch. bd. candidates-bracket together (70-3-1)
S1315 ScaAa (2R) Vitale,J/Giblin,T+7 Physical therapy-revise statutes (71-0-4)
S1359 Bucco,A.R./Stack,B+4 Svc dog, ret-access to housing for disab (75-0-0)
S1497 Bucco,A.R./Pennacchio,J+8 Killed in Action flag-desig. St. flag (72-0-0)
S1660 Van Drew,J/Cruz-Perez,N+7 St. memor. maintenance-voluntary contrib (73-0-0)
S1731 Aa (1R) Gordon,R/Allen,D+3 Smoking, pub. places-estab. civil penal. (70-0-2)
S1739 Sca (1R) Turner,S/Diegnan,P.J.+8 Law enforcement off-sexual training req. (72-0-0)
S1750 ScaSca (2R) Madden,F/Cruz-Perez,N+6 Vets owning motorcycles-estab. lic plate (75-0-0)
S1808 Sca (1R) Van Drew,J/Diegnan,P.J. Striped bass-desig. NJ St Saltwater Fish (74-0-0)
S1913 ScaAa (2R) Addiego,D/Greenstein,L+6 Personal Info. and Privacy Prot. Act (75-0-0)
S2153 Gordon,R/Eustace,T Rail station constr.-NJTA study (54-18-4)
S2226 Aca (1R) Diegnan,P.J./Holley,J Parking auth-authorize as redevel entity (66-8-1)
S2331 Aca (1R) Codey,R/Vitale,J+8 Psych., cert.-estab. tuition reimb. prog (75-0-0)
S2369 Sca (1R) Whelan,J/Van Drew,J+1 Dredging activity-shellfish habitat rule (76-0-0)
S2403 Sca (1R) Rice,R/Turner,S+10 Women's Voc. Training Pilot Prog.-estab. (72-3-0)
S2457 Van Drew,J/Oroho,S+3 Jersey Fresh Prog.-income tax contrib. (75-0-0)
S2459 ScaAcaAa (3R) Rice,R/Watson,B+1 Loc. unit emp. health insur.-concerns (75-0-0)
S2618 Sca (1R) Cunningham,S/Pou,N+3 Reverse transfer agreement-req. (75-0-0)
S2844 w/GR (1R) Vitale,J/Codey,R+7 Cert. of need req.-elim cert. (75-0-0)
S2970 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Diegnan,P.J.+2 Hospice care prog-accept unused prescrip (74-0-2)
S3027 Smith,B/Greenstein,L+10 St. food waste reduction-estab. (75-0-0)
S3034 Sca (1R) Scutari,N/Benson,D+1 Fireworks-authorizes sale, possession (75-0-0)
S3074 Lesniak,R/Turner,S+2 Waterfront Comm. of NY harbor-veto power (75-0-0)
S3176 Madden,F/Mukherji,R+1 TDI-concerns calculation of emp. taxes (75-0-0)
S3191 Sweeney,S/Bateman,C+4 Voting rights-concerns (75-0-0)
S3219 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Kean,T+8 Sexual exploitation of children-concerns (73-0-0)
S3331 Cruz-Perez,N/Jones,P Camden Co. Improv. Auth.-surplus prop. (72-0-1)
SCR144 Sweeney,S/McKeon,J Rutgers Coastal Ocean Observ Lab-commend (74-0-0)
Bills Substituted:
A770 Andrzejczak,B/Land,R+6 St. memor. maintenance-voluntary contrib SUB BY S1660
A838 Aca (1R) Jimenez,A/Moriarty,P Veh. defects-dealer waiver req. SUB BY S452 (1R)
A1205 Aa (1R) Mosquera,G/Holley,J+1 Sch. surveillance equip.-concerns access SUB BY S742 (1R)
A1464 AcsAca (ACS/1R) Lampitt,P/Coughlin,C+11 Telemedicine-prov. health care svcs. SUB BY S291/652/1954 (SS)
A1839 AcaAa (2R) Giblin,T/Wimberly,B+6 Physical therapy-revise statutes SUB BY S1315 (2R)
A2167 AcaAca (2R) Diegnan,P.J./Johnson,G+6 Law enforcement off-sexual training req. SUB BY S1739 (1R)
A2320 Vainieri Huttle,V/Conaway,H+1 Tobacco products-raises min. age SUB BY S359
A2368 Aa (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V+2 Smoking, pub. places-estab. civil penal. SUB BY S1731 (1R)
A2729 Aca (1R) Bucco,A.M./DeAngelo,W+2 Vets-estab special motorcycle lic plates SUB BY S1750 (2R)
A2776 Aca (1R) Diegnan,P.J./Holley,J+1 Parking auth-authorize as redevel entity SUB BY S2226 (1R)
A2794 AcaAa (2R) Lagana,J/Moriarty,P+5 Personal Info. and Privacy Prot. Act SUB BY S1913 (2R)
A3225 Dancer,R/Clifton,R+6 Killed in Action flag-desig. St. flag SUB BY S1497
A3342 Aca (1R) Karabinchak,R/Diegnan,P.J. Striped bass-desig. NJ saltwater fish SUB BY S1808 (1R)
A3370 Burzichelli,J/Jones,P+4 Voting rights-concerns SUB BY S3191
A3520 Eustace,T/Sumter,S Rail station constr.-NJTA study SUB BY S2153
A3717 Aca (1R) Sumter,S/Vainieri Huttle,V+5 Women's Voc. Training Pilot Prog.-estab. SUB BY S2403 (1R)
A3751 Aa (1R) Jasey,M/Coughlin,C Sch. bd. candidates-bracket together SUB BY S1297/1990 (SCS)
A3962 Aca (1R) Jasey,M/McKeon,J+5 Psych., cert.-estab. tuition reimb. prog SUB BY S2331 (1R)
A3999 Houghtaling,E/Andrzejczak,B+1 Jersey Fresh Prog.-income tax contrib. SUB BY S2457
A4096 Bucco,A.M./Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Svc dog, ret-access to housing for disab SUB BY S1359
A4152 Aa (1R) Andrzejczak,B/Mazzeo,V+1 Dredging activity-shellfish habitat rule SUB BY S2369 (1R)
A4329 McKeon,J/Zwicker,A+1 Emer. squad vol-hold mun elective office SUB BY S169
A4458 Aca (1R) Benson,D/Burzichelli,J+1 Fireworks-authorizes sale, possession SUB BY S3034 (1R)
A4522 Aca (1R) Lampitt,P/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Hospice care prog-accept unused prescrip SUB BY S2970 (1R)
A4586 Aca (1R) Johnson,G/Oliver,S+1 Waterfront Comm. of NY harbor-veto power SUB BY S3074
A4631 Lampitt,P/Quijano,A+4 St. food waste reduction-estab. SUB BY S3027
A4691 Aca (1R) Caride,M/McKeon,J+2 Reverse transfer agreement-req. SUB BY S2618 (1R)
A4798 AcaAa (2R) Watson,B/Tucker,C Loc. unit emp. health insur.-concerns SUB BY S2459 (3R)
A4859 Aca (1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Prieto,V+5 Sexual exploitation of children-concerns SUB BY S3219 (1R)
A4898 Mukherji,R/Singleton,T+1 TDI-concerns calculation of emp. taxes SUB BY S3176
A4925 AcaAca (2R) Conaway,H/O'Scanlon,D+2 Emer. med. svc.-concerns SUB BY S5 (2R)
A4967 Watson,B/Tucker,C Loc govt budgets-comply w/fed hiring req SUB BY S678
A5039 Jones,P Camden Co. Improv. Auth.-surplus prop. SUB BY S3331
ACR231 McKeon,J/Eustace,T+1 Rutgers Coastal Ocean Observ Lab-commend SUB BY SCR144
S5 ScaSa (2R) Vitale,J/Sweeney,S+3 Emer. med. svc.-concerns SUB FOR A4925 (2R)
S169 Bateman,C/McKeon,J+1 Emer. squad vol-hold mun elective office SUB FOR A4329
S291/652/1954 ScsScsSs (SS) Vitale,J/Whelan,J+15 Telemedicine-prov. health care svcs. SUB FOR A1464 (ACS/1R)
S359 Codey,R/Vitale,J+3 Tobacco products-raises min. age SUB FOR A2320
S452 Sca (1R) Sacco,N/Greenstein,L+1 Emission control equip.-dealer disclose SUB FOR A838 (1R)
S678 Rice,R/Watson,B+1 Loc govt budgets-comply w/fed hiring req SUB FOR A4967
S742 Sca (1R) Beach,J+1 Sch. surveillance equip.-concerns access SUB FOR A1205 (1R)
S1297/1990 Scs (SCS) Vitale,J/Sweeney,S Sch. bd. candidates-bracket together SUB FOR A3751 (1R)
S1315 ScaAa (2R) Vitale,J/Giblin,T+7 Physical therapy-revise statutes SUB FOR A1839 (2R)
S1359 Bucco,A.R./Stack,B+4 Svc dog, ret-access to housing for disab SUB FOR A4096
S1497 Bucco,A.R./Pennacchio,J+8 Killed in Action flag-desig. St. flag SUB FOR A3225
S1660 Van Drew,J/Cruz-Perez,N+7 St. memor. maintenance-voluntary contrib SUB FOR A770
S1731 Aa (1R) Gordon,R/Allen,D+3 Smoking, pub. places-estab. civil penal. SUB FOR A2368 (1R)
S1739 Sca (1R) Turner,S/Diegnan,P.J.+8 Law enforcement off-sexual training req. SUB FOR A2167 (2R)
S1750 ScaSca (2R) Madden,F/Cruz-Perez,N+6 Vets owning motorcycles-estab. lic plate SUB FOR A2729 (1R)
S1808 Sca (1R) Van Drew,J/Diegnan,P.J. Striped bass-desig. NJ St Saltwater Fish SUB FOR A3342 (1R)
S1913 ScaAa (2R) Addiego,D/Greenstein,L+6 Personal Info. and Privacy Prot. Act SUB FOR A2794 (2R)
S2153 Gordon,R/Eustace,T Rail station constr.-NJTA study SUB FOR A3520
S2226 Aca (1R) Diegnan,P.J./Holley,J Parking auth-authorize as redevel entity SUB FOR A2776 (1R)
S2331 Aca (1R) Codey,R/Vitale,J+8 Psych., cert.-estab. tuition reimb. prog SUB FOR A3962 (1R)
S2369 Sca (1R) Whelan,J/Van Drew,J+1 Dredging activity-shellfish habitat rule SUB FOR A4152 (1R)
S2403 Sca (1R) Rice,R/Turner,S+10 Women's Voc. Training Pilot Prog.-estab. SUB FOR A3717 (1R)
S2457 Van Drew,J/Oroho,S+3 Jersey Fresh Prog.-income tax contrib. SUB FOR A3999
S2459 ScaAcaAa (3R) Rice,R/Watson,B+1 Loc. unit emp. health insur.-concerns SUB FOR A4798 (2R)
S2618 Sca (1R) Cunningham,S/Pou,N+3 Reverse transfer agreement-req. SUB FOR A4691 (1R)
S2970 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Diegnan,P.J.+2 Hospice care prog-accept unused prescrip SUB FOR A4522 (1R)
S3027 Smith,B/Greenstein,L+10 St. food waste reduction-estab. SUB FOR A4631
S3034 Sca (1R) Scutari,N/Benson,D+1 Fireworks-authorizes sale, possession SUB FOR A4458 (1R)
S3074 Lesniak,R/Turner,S+2 Waterfront Comm. of NY harbor-veto power SUB FOR A4586 (1R)
S3176 Madden,F/Mukherji,R+1 TDI-concerns calculation of emp. taxes SUB FOR A4898
S3191 Sweeney,S/Bateman,C+4 Voting rights-concerns SUB FOR A3370
S3219 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Kean,T+8 Sexual exploitation of children-concerns SUB FOR A4859 (1R)
S3331 Cruz-Perez,N/Jones,P Camden Co. Improv. Auth.-surplus prop. SUB FOR A5039
SCR144 Sweeney,S/McKeon,J Rutgers Coastal Ocean Observ Lab-commend SUB FOR ACR231
Bills Transferred:
A936 Aca (1R) Wolfe,D/McGuckin,G+9 Peggy's Law-suspected elderly abuse FROM AAP TO ABU
A4537 Quijano,A/DeCroce,B Veteran's prop. tax deduct-extends elig. FROM ASL TO ABU
A4652 Vainieri Huttle,V/Caride,M Transgender students-devel. guidelines FROM AED TO ABU
A4840 Aca (1R) Mazzeo,V Pub. safety department layoffs-concerns FROM AAP TO ABU
A4854 Singleton,T St. Trooper Sean E. Cullen Memor Hwy. FROM ATR TO ABU
A4889 Burzichelli,J/Taliaferro,A+1 John R Elliott HERO Campaign Way FROM ATR TO ABU
Bills Received from Senate/Concurrence w/Governor's Recommendation/Given Second Reading:
S596 ScaAca w/GR (3R) Cunningham,S/Greenstein,L+14 Corrections officers injured-comp. prog.
S2844 w/GR (1R) Vitale,J/Codey,R+7 Cert. of need req.-elim cert.
Bills Received from Senate/Concurrence w/Senate Amendments/Given Second Reading:
A1955 ScaSa (2R) Jones,P/Lampitt,P+4 Estates, personal representative-concern
A2503 AcsSca (ACS/1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Mosquera,G+23 Stephen Komninos' Law-devel. disab. prot
A2993 AcaSa (2R) Conaway,H/Pinkin,N+10 Diabetes self-mgmt. ed.-Medicaid cover
A3347 AcaSca (2R) Diegnan,P.J./Wolfe,D+5 Sch. Safety Specialist Academy-estab.
A4088 AcaSa (2R) Schaer,G/Jasey,M+14 High Sch. to Coll. Readiness Comm-estab.
A4164 Sca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+6 Unspent acct balances-req annual report
Bills Received from Senate/Referred to Committee:
S745 Beach,J/Cruz-Perez,N+4 Gold Star Parent id card-create REF AMV
S1219 Sca (1R) Holzapfel,J/Allen,D+7 Peggy's Law-suspected elderly abuse REF ABU
S2180 Sca (1R) Oroho,S Rural Electric Cooperative Act REF ATU
S2320 Sca (1R) Oroho,S Death benfs.-concerns claims REF AHE
S2579 Oroho,S/Stack,B+4 Age restricted housing-cert tax exemp REF AHO
S2704 Diegnan,P.J./Ruiz,M+1 Dual language prog.-estab. grant REF AED
S2805 Sca (1R) Gordon,R+1 Patient info.-limits cert. REF AFI
S2836 ScsSa (SCS/1R) Sweeney,S Prop. Assessment practice-revises REF ASL
S2874 Scs (SCS) Greenstein,L/Cunningham,S+1 Electric sch. buses-auth. REF AED
S2883 Gordon,R/Beach,J+4 Veteran's prop. tax deduct-extends elig. REF ABU
S3012 Lesniak,R/Oroho,S+2 Charitable food contrib.-tax duduct. REF AAP
S3029 ScaSca (2R) Smith,B/Bateman,C+4 Volkswagen Settlement Util. Fd.-estab. REF AEN
S3066 Sarlo,P/Bateman,C+2 Thermostats, smart-install in new constr REF AHO
S3067 Ruiz,M/Vitale,J Transgender students-devel. guidelines REF ABU
S3102 ScaSa (2R) Whelan,J Tax cred. to qualif. bus.-concerns REF ACE
S3118 Vitale,J/Allen,D+1 Practitioner-check prescrip monitor info REF AHE
S3192 Cunningham,S Stress mgmt. course-higher ed. instit. REF AHI
S3193 Cunningham,S/Ruiz,M+2 Higher Ed. Student Assist. Auth. Review REF AHI
S3223 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+2 Sexual Assault Victim's Bill of Rights REF AJU
S3239 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Whelan,J John R Elliott HERO Campaign Way REF ABU
S3244 Sweeney,S/Allen,D+1 St. Trooper Sean E. Cullen Memor Hwy. REF ABU
S3248 Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+6 Medicaid coverage, family planning svc. REF ABU
S3302 Weinberg,L/Sweeney,S+3 Family planning svcs;$7.453M REF ABU
S3304 Sweeney,S/Greenstein,L+1 Sexual Assault exam kit-AG conduct audit REF ALP
S3305 Scs (SCS) Sarlo,P Grow NJ Assist. Act-extends deadline REF ABU
SJR18 Sca (1R) Singer,R Skin Cancer Detection Prev Mo.-desig May REF AHE
SJR58 Van Drew,J/Beach,J+3 Wine Wk.-desig last full wk of September REF AAN
SJR84 Allen,D/Beach,J+1 Fort Dix, anniversary-recognizes REF AMV
SJR105 Diegnan,P.J./Cruz-Perez,N Gov James Florio Day-desig Aug. 29, 2017 REF ASL
Bills Received from Senate/Without Reference/Given Second Reading:
S5 ScaSa (2R) Vitale,J/Sweeney,S+3 Emer. med. svc.-concerns
S291/652/1954 ScsScsSs (SS) Vitale,J/Whelan,J+15 Telemedicine-prov. health care svcs.
S814 Weinberg,L/Kean,T Prescription drugs-health benf. coverage
S1497 Bucco,A.R./Pennacchio,J+8 Killed in Action flag-desig. St. flag
S1660 Van Drew,J/Cruz-Perez,N+7 St. memor. maintenance-voluntary contrib
S1739 Sca (1R) Turner,S/Diegnan,P.J.+8 Law enforcement off-sexual training req.
S2563 ScaSa (2R) Weinberg,L/Kean,T+1 Resid health care fac-proh cert eviction
S2705 ScaSa (2R) Diegnan,P.J./Madden,F+1 Hearing Impairment Task Force-estab.
S2793 Sca (1R) Weinberg,L/Greenstein,L+5 Digital breast screening-insur. cover
S3074 Lesniak,R/Turner,S+2 Waterfront Comm. of NY harbor-veto power
S3181 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Diegnan,P.J. Solar power generation fac proj-concerns
S3219 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Kean,T+8 Sexual exploitation of children-concerns
S3240 Sca (1R) Greenstein,L/Codey,R+13 Env. Infra. Trust-auth. loan
S3241 Sca (1R) Smith,B/Codey,R+12 Env. Infra. proj.-approp. funds
S3242 Gordon,R/Oroho,S Env, transp. infra. proj.-clarifies
S3331 Cruz-Perez,N/Jones,P Camden Co. Improv. Auth.-surplus prop.
S3352 Ruiz,M/Bateman,C+6 Park devel. proj.;$71.7M
S3353 Greenstein,L/Thompson,S+3 St. capital, park devel. proj.;$12.3M
S3354 Gordon,R/Allen,D+8 Nonprofit entities-devel. lands;$8.992M
SCR153 Kyrillos,J Env Infra Trust-approves-finan plan
Bills Returned Second Reading/Amended:
A772 AcaAaAa (3R) Andrzejczak,B/Diegnan,P.J.+2 Animal cruelty viol.-recover costs (Vainieri Huttle)
A2419 Aa (1R) Eustace,T/Pintor Marin,E+3 Alco bev; airport prop-concerns sale (Vainieri Huttle)
A2439 Aa (1R) Wisniewski,J/Pinkin,N+1 Move over law-erect signs (Vainieri Huttle)
A3751 Aa (1R) Jasey,M/Coughlin,C Sch. bd. candidates-bracket together (Jasey)
A4067 Aa (1R) Singleton,T/Lampitt,P+1 First-time Home Buyer Savings-tax deduct (Vainieri Huttle)
A4152 Aa (1R) Andrzejczak,B/Mazzeo,V+1 Dredging activity-shellfish habitat rule (Andrzejczak)
A4163 AcaAa (2R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Lampitt,P Resid health care fac-proh cert eviction (Vainieri Huttle)
A4470 AcaAa (2R) Schaer,G/Vainieri Huttle,V+1 Behavioral Health Svc. Task Force-estab (Vainieri Huttle)
A4482 AcaAa (2R) Kennedy,J/DeAngelo,W+6 Svc contracts, cert-allows cancellation (Vainieri Huttle)
A4705 Aa (1R) Singleton,T+2 Portable benf. for cert workers-concerns (Vainieri Huttle)
A4990 AcaAa (2R) Lagana,J/Downey,J Crime victim-concerns location (Vainieri Huttle)
AJR149 AcaAa (2R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Benson,D+1 Rapid rehousing prog-express St. support (Vainieri Huttle)
Bills Passed Both Houses/Sent To Governor:
A373 Aca (1R) Auth,R/Vainieri Huttle,V+23 Joan's Law-murder of a minor, no parole
A445 Mazzeo,V/Pinkin,N+8 WWII Vet. Memor. Fd.-prov. vol. contrib.
A621 Aca (1R) Lagana,J/Greenwald,L+5 Amusement game-permited to sell alco bev
A1185 Mosquera,G/Holley,J+5 Audit compliance reviews-report findings
A1761 Eustace,T/Mukherji,R+1 Fencing companion animals-creates crime
A1869 w/GR (1R) Wimberly,B/Vainieri Huttle,V+19 Min. & Women-owned bus.-St. contracting
A1953 Coughlin,C/Lagana,J+14 Homestead prop tax-allow sr cit install.
A1955 ScaSa (2R) Jones,P/Lampitt,P+4 Estates, personal representative-concern
A2221 Benson,D/Russo,D+7 Boy Scouts of America Fd.-vol. contrib.
A2297 Vainieri Huttle,V/Spencer,L+11 Contraceptives-req. insur cover, 12 mths
A2503 AcsSca (ACS/1R) Vainieri Huttle,V/Mosquera,G+23 Stephen Komninos' Law-devel. disab. prot
A2993 AcaSa (2R) Conaway,H/Pinkin,N+10 Diabetes self-mgmt. ed.-Medicaid cover
A3347 AcaSca (2R) Diegnan,P.J./Wolfe,D+5 Sch. Safety Specialist Academy-estab.
A3437 DeAngelo,W/Gusciora,R Garden State-desig. as St. Slogan
A3438 Aca (1R) DeAngelo,W/Danielsen,J+3 Umemp. benf.-determination w/in 3 wks.
A3463 Coughlin,C/Vitale,J+1 DOC-updates references
A3749 DeAngelo,W/Land,R+9 100 Percent Disab. Vet-parking privilege
A3944 Mazzeo,V/Lagana,J+5 Opioids used by students-concerns
A4011 Jones,P/Barclay,A+5 USS New Jersey-desig. as State Ship
A4164 Sca (1R) Houghtaling,E/Downey,J+6 Unspent acct balances-req annual report
A4206 Karabinchak,R/Prieto,V+1 Sch bd candidates-cert. affirmation
A4230 Conaway,H/O'Scanlon,D+3 Organ donation-req cert insur coverage
A4542 Aa (1R) Mazzeo,V/Johnson,G+1 St Trooper Frankie Williams Memor Hwy
A4630 Jones,P/Cruz-Perez,N+1 Millers of grain-repeal law reg. charges
AJR72 Sa (1R) Gove,D/Rumpf,B+7 Constitution Wk.-desig. Sept 17 thru 23
AJR115 Vainieri Huttle,V/Lampitt,P+24 Concussion Awareness Day-desig.
AJR126 Aca (1R) Dancer,R/DeAngelo,W+6 St Police. anniversary-commem.
AJR137 Mazzeo,V/Whelan,J Internet gaming-proh. states from auth.
S5 ScaSa (2R) Vitale,J/Sweeney,S+3 Emer. med. svc.-concerns
S169 Bateman,C/McKeon,J+1 Emer. squad vol-hold mun elective office
S291/652/1954 ScsScsSs (SS) Vitale,J/Whelan,J+15 Telemedicine-prov. health care svcs.
S359 Codey,R/Vitale,J+3 Tobacco products-raises min. age
S452 Sca (1R) Sacco,N/Greenstein,L+1 Emission control equip.-dealer disclose
S596 ScaAca w/GR (3R) Cunningham,S/Greenstein,L+14 Corrections officers injured-comp. prog.
S678 Rice,R/Watson,B+1 Loc govt budgets-comply w/fed hiring req
S726 Aca (1R) Cruz-Perez,N/Oroho,S+8 Vet.-extends full discrim. law prot.
S742 Sca (1R) Beach,J+1 Sch. surveillance equip.-concerns access
S1297/1990 Scs (SCS) Vitale,J/Sweeney,S Sch. bd. candidates-bracket together
S1359 Bucco,A.R./Stack,B+4 Svc dog, ret-access to housing for disab
S1497 Bucco,A.R./Pennacchio,J+8 Killed in Action flag-desig. St. flag
S1660 Van Drew,J/Cruz-Perez,N+7 St. memor. maintenance-voluntary contrib
S1739 Sca (1R) Turner,S/Diegnan,P.J.+8 Law enforcement off-sexual training req.
S1750 ScaSca (2R) Madden,F/Cruz-Perez,N+6 Vets owning motorcycles-estab. lic plate
S1808 Sca (1R) Van Drew,J/Diegnan,P.J. Striped bass-desig. NJ St Saltwater Fish
S1840 ScaAcaAa (3R) Ruiz,M/Gill,N+3 Crim justice sys info-proh fee, stop pub
S2153 Gordon,R/Eustace,T Rail station constr.-NJTA study
S2369 Sca (1R) Whelan,J/Van Drew,J+1 Dredging activity-shellfish habitat rule
S2403 Sca (1R) Rice,R/Turner,S+10 Women's Voc. Training Pilot Prog.-estab.
S2457 Van Drew,J/Oroho,S+3 Jersey Fresh Prog.-income tax contrib.
S2618 Sca (1R) Cunningham,S/Pou,N+3 Reverse transfer agreement-req.
S2844 w/GR (1R) Vitale,J/Codey,R+7 Cert. of need req.-elim cert.
S2970 Sca (1R) Vitale,J/Diegnan,P.J.+2 Hospice care prog-accept unused prescrip
S3027 Smith,B/Greenstein,L+10 St. food waste reduction-estab.
S3034 Sca (1R) Scutari,N/Benson,D+1 Fireworks-authorizes sale, possession
S3074 Lesniak,R/Turner,S+2 Waterfront Comm. of NY harbor-veto power
S3176 Madden,F/Mukherji,R+1 TDI-concerns calculation of emp. taxes
S3191 Sweeney,S/Bateman,C+4 Voting rights-concerns
S3219 Sca (1R) Sweeney,S/Kean,T+8 Sexual exploitation of children-concerns
S3331 Cruz-Perez,N/Jones,P Camden Co. Improv. Auth.-surplus prop.