Bergen Democratic Committee Chair Candidate Paul Juliano Supports Reelecting Governor

As he pursues support from the Bergen County Democratic Committee for his candidacy for chair in advance of a scheduled July 17th convention, Paul Juliano also wants to get across that he supports the reelection of Governor Phil Murphy.

As he pursues support from the Bergen County Democratic Committee for his candidacy for chair in advance of a scheduled July 17th convention, Paul Juliano also wants to get across another message:

His support for the reelection of Governor Phil Murphy.

It’s not the first time he’s included it in his priorities as the successor to Lou Stellato, but it’s again notable.

The mention is in the fifth paragraph.

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One response to “Bergen Democratic Committee Chair Candidate Paul Juliano Supports Reelecting Governor”

  1. I wholeheartedly agree–we the people of New Jersey need four more years of the most progressive, caring and concerned Governor in the person of Phil Murphy.
    I, with the help of our Lord, will work 24/7 for his re election.
    Bob Knapp, Jersey City

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