LIUNA Backs Dan Benson for Mercer County Executive 


The Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA), the 20,000-member political powerhouse in New Jersey has announced its support for Assemblyman Dan Benson in the race to serve as Mercer County Executive. The building trades union has two union halls in Mercer County (Local 172 in Trenton and Local 77 in Ewing), one of the state’s largest political action committees, and a politically active membership.

LIUNA Vice President and Eastern Regional Manager Michael E. Hellstrom talked about Benson’s experience, energy, and openness to new ideas. “In addition to its government services, Mercer County is also an important and influential property owner and caretaker of public lands and property,” Hellstrom explained. “Mercer County has close to 200 miles of county roadway, a 7,000-student county college, public buildings, parks, and a public airport. All that infrastructure must be maintained and modernized in a responsive and fiscally responsible manner, yet opportunities are lost to connect the skilled local workforce of Mercer County to public investment. Dan Benson understands that we must do a better job of creating jobs and supporting Mercer County families. He has demonstrated as chair of the Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee a willingness to listen, consider, and most importantly, lead.  LIUNA’s endorsement of Dan Benson for Mercer County Executive is a based on our respect for all that he has done and our confidence for what he will do in the future.” 

“I am grateful for not only LIUNA’s endorsement, but also for their leadership in representing workers, protecting work standards, and providing employers with a skilled and productive workforce that builds a better New Jersey,” said Assemblyman Benson. “Mercer County is better when we work together—government, the private sector, non-profits, higher education, everybody. A Benson administration will look beyond business as usual and towards new ideas and better service.”


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The 20,000-member New Jersey Laborers Union is the statewide affiliate of the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) and represents workers in various industries, including construction, clean energy, environmental remediation, sanitation and recycling, security, public service, and education.  The New Jersey Laborers are widely viewed as having been instrumental in helping to lift living standards and workplace safety for employees and for developing innovative cooperative relationships with employers and communities. 

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