'A Long-Awaited Victory': Baroni's Full Statement Following Overturning of Bridgegate Conviction


Following the Supreme Court's overturning of the Bridgegate convictions of Bill Baroni and Bridget Kelly, on the grounds of governmental overreach in their prosecution, Baroni released the following statement:

"I am thankful for the Supreme Court of the United States for this clear statement of my innocence.  After years of investigations, indictments, trials, appeals and even prison, today the Court has vindicated me and has made clear that I committed no crime.

I have always said I was an innocent and today, the Supreme Court unanimously agreed.

These have been very difficult years for me, my family and my friends.  There were many tough days, and it was their faith in me and my innocence that allowed me to get through this.

My legal team has been extraordinary.  Mike Levy and the team at Sidley Austin are extraordinary legal professionals, and it was clear the Supreme Court saw one of America’s top lawyers argue my case.  Mike and I have known each other from the first day of law school at the University of Virginia.  He is an amazing lawyer and true friend.

I have been asked do I regret going into prison even though I have now been vindicated.  I don’t.  My fellow inmates at Loretto prison taught me so much about strength, resilience, and determination.  They kept me going, even on the other side of the jail bars.  And I shall always be there for them.  I hope and pray they are well taken care of in this perilous time of COVID-19.

I want to thank my family who supported me and kept me strong.  They never let me give up, never let me give in, and encouraged me to keep fighting all the way to the Supreme Court.

I want to thank my friends who were always there for me:  coming with me every day to the trial; keeping me upbeat even in dark times and never letting me give up.  You can tell who your friends are when you go through something hard; I am so blessed with great and amazing friends.

And thank you to my friends and family in Ireland.  Many supported me by their visits, their thoughts, their notes, their prayers.  Mile buíochas le mo chairde ar fad in Éirinn.

Today is a long-awaited victory.  But, as we are all living in the time of Coronavirus, my joy in being vindicated is tempered by my concern for the people with whom I served time in prison.  This is a scary time for all of us; it is especially scary for people in prison who can’t self-isolate; can’t socially distance; can’t stay 6 feet apart.  I am going to do all that I can to make sure they are not forgotten.

I have always believed in public service.  And now that the Supreme Court has ruled so clearly,  I can continue my efforts to serve my community.  And I am going to work to help those who are headed to prison, in prison, and getting out of prison.  I have learned much in these past seven years about our criminal justice and prison systems.  And I am going to spend these next years helping those that are caught in them."

Appellate Attorney Mike Levy of Sidley Austin added,

“From the day he was arraigned, Bill made clear that the charges against him were false and that he had not committed any crime.  The Supreme Court’s decision today confirms that Bill was right.  Bill is, as he has always said, not guilty.  Although the process of getting to this day has been an ordeal, Bill is heartened that the system ultimately worked, even as he recognizes how often it fails others who are less fortunate.  At long last, Bill looks forward to moving on from this case and continuing his life of service.”

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