Mahesh Bhagia Officially Launches Campaign for Mayor of Edison

Chairman Mahesh Bhagia today officially launched his campaign to run for Mayor of Edison, New Jersey’s 5th largest municipality. Mahesh Bhagia was elected Chairman of the Edison Democratic Organization in July of 2020 in a landslide victory against a candidate who had the backing of the current mayor, most of the council, and a large portion of the political establishment.
“I have decided to run for Mayor because Edison needs a leader who will put Edison and our residents first,” Mahesh Bhagia stated in his announcement. “Edison is a great community and we have all the pieces to succeed, great geography, passionate and compassionate residents, a history of innovation, a diverse cultural fabric, and a wonderful small business community. But we need to act now to create a cohesive vision for Edison that provides us with an open and transparent government, stable taxes and better services. That is what has been missing, and that is what my administration will offer.”
Since becoming Chairman, Bhagia and the Edison Democratic Organization launched numerous initiatives to support those in Edison who were affected by COVID-19, giving out thousands of dollars to small businesses, organizing food distributions and hosting charity drives during the holidays. The Edison Democratic Organization also organized initiatives to provide seniors with assistance on Senior Property Tax Freeze and provided support to Veteran organizations, including American Legion Post 435.
“It is time for Edison to elect leaders who will get Edison back on track,” Bhagia added. “COVID-19 has been difficult, but we finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Edison has been missing leadership; our Mayor and Council President have been missing during this pandemic. We need engaged, devoted, visionary leadership, and that is the main reason I decided to run for Mayor.
"I pledge to you that my administration will be fully transparent, that I will be accessible, and that, even as we focus on the larger picture, we will never forget the everyday services that you have every right to expect. Clean water, reliable garbage and recycling services, drivable roads, usable parks and recreation, and public safety."
Bhagia has lived in Edison for over 20 years. His wife is a practicing dentist in Edison
and they have 2 daughters attending Edison Public Schools.