Malave Running for Trenton South Ward Council Seat

On Saturday, March 5, 2022, at 1:00 PM, at John Beech Playground in the South Ward, Damian Malave will announce his candidacy for South Ward City Councilman.

“As a life-long Trentonian and Trenton Central High School graduate, I am thrilled to receive the support of residents across the South Ward. I decided to double down on serving and helping my
neighbors even during the most challenging time in our state’s capital because South Trenton is the heart and soul of the City. So, come be a part of the solution with me,” Malave said.

The candidate said he believes Trentonians deserve a city government responsive to their needs, and promises “common-sense solutions toward building a better government and
brighter communities for residents in the City of Trenton.”

In addition, Malave said he will focus on homeownership, safe neighborhoods, thriving businesses, civic development, and more educational opportunities for youth.

“City Council has been in constant turmoil over the past four years,” he argued. “It’s time that we make the right choice and turn the corner towards progress. I am committed to working with residents to reclaim that sense of pride and peace that we deserve in our communities. This is our Trenton!”

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3 responses to “Malave Running for Trenton South Ward Council Seat”

  1. Very well put Trenton does need great leadership and for me you’re the perfect choice for South Ward. I’m all in with you because together everyone can thrive.

  2. Necesitamos más candidatos Latinos en el Consejal de la Ciudad de Trenton, NJ. Malave esta acompañado en esta carrera con la Señorita Gonzalez, y activista Guatemalteco Ronquillo.

    Vamos apoyar estos candidatos Latinos y animar a más Jóvenes Latinos que se envolucren en estas campañas políticas.

  3. Damien is a hard working person who will serve the voters of the South Ward with integrity. As South Ward Councilman he will serve with passion in meeting the needs and expectations of a very deserving community.

    The Puerto Rican Civic Association of Central & Southern NJ proudly endorses his candidacy.

    Ken Seda

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