Marks and Pappas: Bramnick Law Firm Defense of 'Illegal Immigrants' Indefensible

Martin Marks and Harris Pappas, Conservative Independent candidates for the NJ Assembly in Legislative District 21 added their concerns to the ongoing critique of Assemblyman Jon Bramnick’s law firm, the types of law being practiced there, and how it is being advertised.
Marks stated, “While most of New Jersey was in an uproar last week over the way Jon Bramnick’s firm would work to 'discredit' the stories of victims of sexual assault on behalf of accused clients, Harris Pappas and I want to make the state aware that there are other troubling aspects of Bramnick’s law practice as well. As also advertised on his web site, the Bramnick firm welcomes immigration clients facing deportation and also provides services to those claiming DACA [Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals] status, a 2012 Obama directive that President Trump has rescinded. This is all coming at a critical time when Governor Murphy’s administration is working to make New Jersey a sanctuary state for undocumented immigrants. The timing couldn’t be worse, and instead of working against efforts to make our state a haven for illegal immigrants, Republican Leader Bramnick and his firm are apparently doing the opposite.”
Harris Pappas added, “Nobody is denying that all citizens are entitled to a competent defense. Yet we are pleased that Bramnick has since removed the reference to discrediting the stories of victims of sexual assault from his advertising. That kind of language is appalling and very troubling. We are also anxious to hear Assemblywoman Nancy Munoz condemn that language used by her running mate Jon Bramnick on his web site.
“We also call on Bramnick to re-examine the type of immigration law being practiced at his firm. For the record, my grandmother came through Ellis Island legally from Greece with seven children and there were no lawyers willing to help her receive any benefits, however her entire family lived very productive lives in America. Any efforts, legal or otherwise to allow illegal immigrants one more day in our state is an affront to my grandmother’s memory and all those that became citizens here legally.”
Marks added, “There also can be no doubt that by virtue of his political connections and power Jon Bramnick has built a thriving law practice and made a lot of money doing so. There are so many other facets of a law practice where that healthy income can continue. Perhaps it would be best though to leave the defense of illegal immigrants to liberal lawyers and firms in New Jersey.”