Mayor Davis: Bayonne Has 2nd COVID-19 Fatality, Total 60 Cases as of Saturday


A message from Bayonne Mayor Davis:

As expected, we are continuing to see a rise in residents who test positive for the Coronavirus and I am saddened to announce the death of another resident. A 75 year old woman passed away Thursday, and her test results came in last night indicating that she was positive.  On behalf of all of Bayonne, I extend our deepest sympathy to her grieving family.  The reason that we have been taking drastic “self-distancing” measures and closing non-essential businesses is to protect our most vulnerable residents.  COVID-19 can be extremely dangerous for the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions.

The news, however, is not all bad.  Even though the number of Bayonne residents who have tested positive to date is up to 60, many of these patients are not exhibiting severe symptoms and they are recovering well at home.  Once a resident who has tested positive gets better and meets the CDC guidelines for removal from the sick list, we take them off tracking.  I have directed the Office of Emergency Management to adjust our count each day going forward, to show only the residents who are currently ill.

We are in unprecedented times.  As shocking as all of this may be, you have to focus and do a few things.  Listen to the directives that have been put in place.  Don’t go out unless you must for work, essentials, or exercise.  If you do go out, maintain your social distance.  Wash your hands, and don’t touch your face.  But most of all, use common sense in all that you do.  Try not to panic or live in fear.  Social media should not be your main source of information.  Keep up to date by visiting the County website, the state’s COVID-19 website, the City’s website and the CDC’s website for the most up to date and, more importantly, RELIABLE information about the virus.   I am absolutely certain we will all get through this!  If we continue to follow the guidelines, the good news should start coming soon!  Bayonne is united and strong.  We are in this fight together.  Stay safe, stay healthy and God bless you all.

The statewide count as of Sunday is 13,386 cases and 161 deaths, according to the NJDOH.

COVID-19 Cases by County
Data is provisional and subsequent to revision.

3,020 Positives Pending Further Information

Bergen County:

2,169 Positive Test Result(s)

Essex County:

1,227 Positive Test Result(s)

Hudson County:

974 Positive Test Result(s)

Middlesex County:

938 Positive Test Result(s)

Union County:

896 Positive Test Result(s)

Monmouth County:

870 Positive Test Result(s)

Passaic County:

831 Positive Test Result(s)

Ocean County:

759 Positive Test Result(s)

Morris County:

556 Positive Test Result(s)

Somerset County:

295 Positive Test Result(s)

Mercer County:

202 Positive Test Result(s)

Camden County:

163 Positive Test Result(s)

Burlington County:

142 Positive Test Result(s)

Sussex County:

93 Positive Test Result(s)

Gloucester County:

72 Positive Test Result(s)

Hunterdon County:

66 Positive Test Result(s)

Warren County:

56 Positive Test Result(s)

Atlantic County:

24 Positive Test Result(s)

Cumberland County:

11 Positive Test Result(s)

Cape May County:

9 Positive Test Result(s)

Salem County:

3 Positive Test Result(s)

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