Mayor Mapp Declares State of Emergency In Plainfield

Mayor Adrian Mapp declared a state of emergency in the City of Plainfield on Sunday. Issuing an executive order, Mapp said that while there are no presumptive positive cases in the city, the virus' transmission potential represents a threat that warrants the emergency declaration. Among the steps Mapp is taking is a 10pm curfew for liquor establishments and restaurants, and a 10pm curfew for juveniles.
Mapp wrote in a message on the city's website: "There is growing concern about the coronavirus as more cases gradually emerge across the nation. My Administration has been in close contact with State and County health offices as we continue to monitor its progress and make preparations for an organized response.
While there is no known vaccine at this time, it's important to note that the best defense against the virus is prevention. It requires everyone to be more attentive to their surroundings, limit contact that could entail transfer of viruses and bacteria, and be fastidious about hand washing and cleaning of surface areas.
This virus is intimidating because of its unknown nature, however, I want to encourage everyone to remain positive, take all possible precautions and know that we are doing everything in our power to stay informed and will provide you with all of the information needed to fight back against its spread.
We will tackle this the Plainfield way, by staying strong, positive, focused, united and informed.
Creating One Plainfield. One Future.
Mayor Adrian O. Mapp"
[pdf-embedder url="" title="Executive Order 2"]
Coronavirus Updates from the CDC:"
Updates from the New Jersey Department of Health:
Call the NJ Coronavirus and Poison Center Hotline at 800.222.1222 or 1-800-962-1253 if using an out-of-state line Trained Health Care Professionals are available 24 hours to assist with any questions and/or concerns
The NJ Department of Human Services operates a toll free "warm line" which is a resource for people seeking mental health service. The warm line is activated during events that impact the mental health of New Jersey residents. The warm line is available 24 hours and has language access; (877) 294-HELP (4357).
Additional Resources:
Prevention is the best Defense
Coronavirus Restrictions in Plainfield
Coronavirus Restrictions in Plainfield (Spanish)
What Can People Do to Protect Themselves
Why is it recommended to avoid close contact with anyone who has fever and cough
How is the new coronavirus affecting people who get it
What is the correct way to wear and dispose of masks
Stop the Spread of Germs
Help Kids Cope with the Stress of Coronavirus
Coping with the Stress of Coronavirus
Importance of washing Your Hands
What Older Adults Need to Know
What you need to know about handwashing
How does COVID-19 spread
What can I do to protect myself from COVID-19
Symptoms of Coronavirus