McKeon and Jasey Stand Out at Coughlin's Colonia Event Amid Heavy Optics

Middlesex County Democrats poured on a suffocating fusillade this evening to smoke sitting Speaker Vinny Prieto into submission and convince the political world that Assemblyman Craig Coughlin (D-19) had arrived.
They checked every big box for Coughlin tonight at Colonia Country Club.
The man who looks like he will be the next Governor of New Jersey? In the house, check.
Phil Murphy was there.
A Union County Sheriff sprinting toward a 20th District State Senate seat? Check.
Joe Cryan was there.
[caption id="attachment_14029" align="alignnone" width="2250"] Murphy and Cryan[/caption]
Lobbying muscle, check. A who's who of Trenton.
[caption id="attachment_14025" align="alignleft" width="225"] The scene for Coughlin in Colonia.[/caption]
The entire Middlesex County Democratic Statehouse delegation, check.
Too many legislators to list, check.
Firefighters and cops, check.
Other assorted labor attendees, check.
A big and potent looking ally in the form of Essex County and attendant wards and reps, check.
Essex County Democratic Committee Chairman Leroy Jones repaid the favor of Middlesex County Democratic Committee Chairman Kevin McCabe's presence by showing up, with Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo also circulating.
Jones even landed a speaking part.
Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin was in the room.
Shanique Speight? Check.
Assemblywoman Mila Jasey - yes, check. And yes, Assemblyman John McKeon, check.
"I'm sure the other rival event is dead," howled an insider, referring to a Junior Maldonado soiree in Hudson.
Coughlin has positioned himself to succeed Prieto as Speaker.
Prieto has not submitted, and wants to try to pick up additional Assembly seats that will land heft to his northern base in an attempt to fend off Coughlin. But the presence of Jasey and McKeon at Coughlin's event was good news for the Middlesex challenger. Both are Dick Codey stablemates who initially appeared very resistant to offending Prieto.