McKeon Zaps Trump over Zeldin Pick at EPA

Legislative District 27’s Senator John McKeon, Assemblywoman Alixon Collazos-Gill, and Assemblywoman Rosy Bagolie released statements in response to President-elect Donald J. Trump’s selection of Lee Zeldin to serve as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

“President-elect Trump’s selection of former U.S. Representative Lee Zeldin marks the beginning of his administration’s efforts to gut the EPA from the inside,” said Senator McKeon (D-Essex/Passaic), a member of the Senate Environment and Energy Committee. “Representative Zeldin lacks the technical and environmental policy experience necessary to effectively lead such an important regulatory agency. In all likelihood, he will use the position to advance the Trump Administration’s deregulatory agenda by rolling back various climate protections.

“President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act just two years ago. That piece of legislation provided the biggest investment in clean energy infrastructure in our nation’s history. It helped foster growing renewable energy industries within our State, which will create well-paying jobs and lower the cost of energy for families. With Zeldin’s appointment, the progress we have made toward lowering emissions is at risk of being undone. It is clear that their agenda will prioritize the interests of fossil fuel companies over the agency’s duty to protect and preserve our natural environment for future generations.”

“Donald Trump’s nomination of former New York Congressman Lee Zeldin to lead the Environmental Protection Agency is a clear indication of his intent to dismantle critical progress on climate change and environmental justice,” said Assemblywoman Collazos-Gill. “Congressman Zeldin's record speaks volumes-repeatedly voting against clean air and water legislation, earning abysmal scores from the League of Conservation Voters. This nomination signals a dangerous step backward for the health our environment and our communities.

“As a member of the Assembly Environment, Natural Resources and Solid Waste Committee, I’m committed to ensuring that New Jersey continues to do its part in adapting to the effects of climate change. I will proudly sponsor any legislation that doubles down on our State’s commitment to environmental protection.”

“I am alarmed by the appointment of Lee Zeldin as administrator of the EPA and what it will mean for our fight against climate change and our priorities to ensure clean air and water,” said Assemblywoman Bagolie (D-Essex/Passaic).

“I am proud to be a Prime Sponsor on the New Jersey Clean Energy Act of 2024, a leading state environmental approach which I hope will move forward in the Assembly. The goals of the bill include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, supporting the development of new, zero-carbon generation technologies, and helping the state transition to a clean and renewable energy economy. I will continue to support bills that make New Jersey a continued leader in the fight against climate change and for a more sustainable future for all children and families.”


Previous comments for: McKeon Zaps Trump over Zeldin Pick at EPA

  1. Thomas Jefferson says:

    First we were going to freeze to death under global cooling in the 1970s & 1980s. Then there was the Ozone layer in the late 1980s-1990s. Then there was global warming from the late 1990s-2010s. Now, it's "climate change". The Sun IS climate change. There's nothing you tree hugging politicians can do about it (except steal money from taxpayers for your own personal aggrandizement and use it for power and control).

  2. D janow says:

    All you sissy tree huggers can suck it. It's time to worry bout the here and now. Climate has always changed. Look at history. You all cry over a couple degrees over how many years? Let's get the best right now first. Then worry bout what's probably a non factor.

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