McKnight Proposes Legislation on ‘Police Use of Force’ in New Jersey


The circumstances surrounding the death of George Floyd have sparked conversations throughout the country on how to prevent these tragedies from ever occurring again. Chair of the Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee, Angela McKnight (D-31) is proposing legislation that would require enforcement of an updated model use of force policy by each law enforcement agency in the state; require a Civilian Complaint Review Board in each municipality, and a resolution condemning police brutality.

“George Floyd is unfortunately just one horrifying tragedy in a long, long line of lives lost to senseless violence. His is not the first case that we’ve seen recorded by a cell phone video or played through the media, but I want to do all I can to make sure his death is not in vain and that we make sweeping changes to end excessive use of force by police officers,” said McKnight.

The Jersey City-based assemblywoman said she wants to ensure there is a system of checks and balances in place to deter police brutality, especially toward Black lives and looks to work with Governor Phil Murphy and Attorney General Grewal to this end. The legislation proposed is the first step to clarifying guidelines of what can and what absolutely cannot be done by police while interacting with the community.

“Putting guidelines in place to regulate use of force is just one major pillar of the holistic police reform necessary to improve police and community relations in the Black community,” continued McKnight. “I also encourage local government leaders to re-evaluate their budgets as it relates to reallocating funding to critical community and social services. It will take a collaborative effort from the local, state and federal levels to bring about comprehensive change in the wake of the death of George Floyd and so many other Black lives that have been lost around the country at the hands of police officers, and I welcome all stakeholders to the table.”

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