Senator Bernie Sanders' Political Director Analilia Mejia Defends Lizette Delgado-Polanco after Resignation
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Analilia Mejia, who like Lizette Delgado-Polanco was once a labor organizer with SEIU 32BJ, issued a statement this evening in the aftermath of Delgado-Polanco's resignation from the state Schools Development Authority (SDA).
"All I know is that Lizette Delgado is one of the most talented and generous women in NJ politics,"" Mejia wrote on Facebook.
"Shall we now take a look at all the BROTHERS, sisters, business partners and GIRLFRIENDS, who earn a lot, doing very little across multiple agencies and staff positions?" added the political director for U.S. senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT).
Great idea! Let's examine the credentials and performance of the people paid for public service & hold them accountable. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen & it's not what Analilia intended. I realize that my popularity is not at an all-time peak but giving the country honest service in return for the trust, honor & compensation that comes with these positions of power is perfectly reasonable. Taking advantage and self dealing is not, but somehow it seems everyone had forgotten that fact.
Well, I don't know about talented, but she was definitely one of the most "generous" women in NJ politics. “Shall we now take a look at all the BROTHERS, sisters, business partners and GIRLFRIENDS, who earn a lot, doing very little across multiple agencies and staff positions?” Uhhhh...YEAH! DUH!!! What a really stupid question!
Wow, there's an unbiased source. Look, every admin puts in their hacks - even if they won't admit it. Unfortunately for Murphy, the SDA was already under a cloud of suspicion because "nobody" hired the accused rapist Al Alvarez. Plus, the sheer arrogance of the number of hacks and big salaries set off alarms. Arrogant amateurs will destroy any politician and Murphy suffers from one after another. Also, people remember the $6 billion that went missing from the SDA under McGreevey. The original purpose of the agency is completed. Get rid of it!