Menendez Goes off on Republican Senate Colleague Johnson


U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) today delivered a scathing speech on the Senate Floor, rebuking last week’s racist remarks by Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) regarding Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the January 6th Capitol Insurrection.

“Senator Johnson said he never feared for his safety [during the Jan. 6th siege of the U.S. Captiol],” said Menendez. Johnson went on to say that “under different circumstances he would have been afraid; had the tables been turned and had those been Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters, I might have been afraid.

“Is that not racism,” Mr. President?” Menendez added. “My colleague may be ignorant about the pain his comments caused.”

The senior senator denounced those depicting the Black Lives Matter protests as violent.

“The violent picture they paint of this movement is factually inaccurate,” said Menendez. “The Black Lives Matter movement is overwhelmingly peaceful. I know many people don’t care about facts these days but it is the truth.”

Police departments disproportionately used force against BLM protesters, he noted.

and “indeed, on January 6th as we waited for hours for back up from the National Guard and other law enforcement agencies to come to the aid of Congress, I know I was not the only one who could not help but think of violent government sanctioned crackdowns that met Black Lives Matter protests last summer.

“It is the resurgence of violent white supremacy that should give Americans real cause for alarm,” Menendez added. “White supremacists pose the most lethal domestic terror threat to the American people.”

The senator’s full remarks can be viewed below:

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3 responses to “Menendez Goes off on Republican Senate Colleague Johnson”


    I commend Senator Menendez for his courageous, outstanding
    speech in the senate.
    As a resident of New Jersey, I read this column and listened to the audio
    with respect and pride.
    Bravo, Senator Menendez, Bravo,………Bless you.

    • Menendez is a crook, just ask his optician! You know the guy who paid Menendez on kick-back money for in-roads to the medical programs just so he could get richer?

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