Menendez: A Major Post-Election Political Player


In my column Sunday, “The Electoral Math That Will Give the Democrats US Senate Control,” I predicted that the Democrats would win control of the United States Senate this November and that New Jersey US Senator Bob Menendez would then become the Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The most significant issues assigned to this Senate committee are those affecting the American-Israel relationship.  The leading organizational advocate for the American-Israel Alliance over the past half century has been the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

The ascension by Menendez to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairmanship will constitute an event of enormous significance in the history of the American-Israel Alliance. Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, no member of Congress has been a more unwavering and effective champion of the American-Israel relationship than Bob Menendez.

There are basically three clusters of issues regarding the American-Israel Alliance which are considered by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  The first is armed military assistance to the Jewish State.  The second is the question of borders, which includes settlements and the future status of Jerusalem as well.  The third is the issue of Iran and its attempts to acquire nuclear weaponry.

During his administration, President Barack Obama continued to engage in strategic cooperation with Israel and provide it with high level strategic defense systems, such as the renowned “Iron Dome” air defense system.

Yet the Obama years constituted a period of increasing tensions with Israel over the issues of settlements and Iran.  Obama executed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2015 with Iran and other UN Security Council members. This agreement was opposed by the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu.  The Israeli government believed that the JCPOA enhanced Iran’s capacity to develop a nuclear weapon.  And Obama’s opposition to the expansion of the settlements was viewed as negatively impacting Israeli independence and security.

Full disclosure:  I also opposed the JCPOA in a column I authored in 2015, “Sen. Booker: Please read Alan Dershowitz and also study the Oster conspiracy of 1938.”

Bob Menendez emphatically opposed enactment of the JCPOA and vigorously championed sanctions against Iran for their attempts to obtain nuclear weapons systems.  His appointment as Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair will be greeted with delight by the Israeli government.

The Obama years were also characterized by a growing disunity within the American Jewish community itself and within the Democratic Party regarding the issue of Israel.  A manifestation of that disunity was the growth of J Street, an ultra-left Jewish organization willing to make far-reaching imprudent concessions to the Arabs.

J Street has attracted a growing number of left-wing elements in both the Democratic Party and the Jewish community.  An example of presently ongoing J Street sponsored activity is a letter being drafted by Senators Tim Kaine of Virginia, Chris Van Hollen of Maryland and Chris Murphy of Connecticut that warns Israel’s government not to move ahead with annexation.   Implicit in the letter is the possibility of withdrawal of American aid to Israel.

As Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Menendez will play a prominent role in stopping the leftward drift of the Democratic Party on Israel.  Because of his excellent relationship with the American Jewish Community, he will also play a pivotal role in obtaining from leftward American Jewish elements support for mainstream Democratic pro-Israel policies.

As noted by former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren in his book, Ally, Joe Biden was viewed as being a strong supporter of Israel prior to his service as Barack Obama’s Vice President.  The hope is that under the influence of Menendez and Delaware US Senator Chris Coons (rumored to be Biden’s choice for Secretary of State), Joe Biden as president will resume the pro-Israel positioning he once occupied.

Bob Menendez began his political career as a son of Cuban immigrants, seeking to overcome daunting challenges as a school board member and mayor in the hardscrabble, machine dominated world of Hudson County politics.

He then would travel on two different roads: 1) the road of a New Jersey legislator, involving his service in both the New Jersey Assembly and Senate; and 2) his journey to Washington, which led him to service as both a member of the US House of Representatives and as a US Senator.

As Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, however, Bob Menendez would find himself with continuing national audiences, due to his continued presence on three stages:  1) the world of Middle Eastern diplomacy; 2) the National Democratic Party Theatre; and 3) the American Jewish Community Arena.

This three-part challenge is one that Bob Menendez has not faced before.  In fact, very few US Senators have ever faced such a task.  One thing is certain, however.  Bob Menendez will not shrink from this responsibility:  he will welcome it.

Alan Steinberg served as Regional Administrator of Region 2 EPA during the administration of former President George W. Bush and as Executive Director of the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission.

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