Mercer County Adds COVID-19 Testing Site In Hightstown

Mercer County, in collaboration with health care and municipal partners, is operating an appointment-only, drive-up test site for COVID-19 at Quaker Bridge Mall in Lawrence, and appointment-only walk-up test sites in Trenton for individuals who lack transportation to the mall location. Beginning May 8, an appointment-only, walk-up test site will be open in Hightstown for individuals who lack transportation to the mall. Testing will be provided for symptomatic Mercer County residents age 18 or older who have an appointment. The Trenton Health Team, one of Mercer County’s partners on COVID-19 testing, put together the following Q&A on how to get tested. En Español You must have a doctor’s order and an appointment to be tested |
Do you have COVID-19 symptoms?
Symptoms include fever, shortness of breath, body aches or being tired all the time. Stay home and contact a doctor.
How do you get a test?
Contact a doctor to discuss how you feel. A doctor must order a test for you. If a test is needed, your doctor will fax a prescription to the Mercer County health call center at 609-630-4031, and the center will contact you to schedule an appointment.
Don’t have a doctor?
Call the Henry J. Austin Health Center in Trenton at 609-259-5900 to see if you need testing. They can help you to talk with a doctor by phone or video.
What if you don’t have health insurance? What do tests cost?
Henry J. Austin will serve all patients, including those without health insurance. There is no charge for the test at Mercer County testing sites.
Where do you get tested?
An appointment-only, walk-up test site will be open in Hightstown in the parking lot of St. Anthony of Padua Church, 156 Maxwell Ave., at 12 noon on Fridays beginning May 8. Mercer County offers appointment-only, drive-up testing every weekday at Quaker Bridge Mall in Lawrence, and appointment-only, pop-up testing sites in Trenton for individuals who lack transportation to the mall location. The Trenton sites are open in each city ward one day a week. Everyone needing a test will be sent to a site. County residents with access to a car will be sent to the drive-through site at Quaker Bridge Mall.
Why do you need a doctor’s order?
Talking with a doctor will provide needed health information and help you understand what to do based on your test results. Mercer County is relying on doctors to decide who needs to be tested.
If you have questions about the testing process, call 609-337-4081 Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Español, call 609-436-5038 Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.