Mercer County To Open COVID-19 Drive-Through Testing Site

Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes today announced that the County, in collaboration with health care partners, will open an appointment-only, drive-up testing site for COVID- 19 on Tuesday, March 31, at Quaker Bridge Mall in Lawrence.
The county has 168 COVID-19 cases, according to the NJDOH, as of Saturday March 28th
The testing center is by appointment only for symptomatic Mercer County residents age 18 or older who have a prescription from their primary health care provider (PCP). If you are symptomatic for COVID-19 and want to be tested, contact your PCP.
The testing center, which initially will be open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., is a collaborative effort between the County of Mercer, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton, Capital Health System, St. Francis Medical Center in Trenton and the Trenton Health Team.
“Testing for COVID-19 is necessary to identify and isolate people with infections,” said Mr. Hughes. “When it comes to setting up a testing site, we face the same challenges as do other jurisdictions, such as securing testing kits and the personal protective equipment for staff. I thank the County’s Office of Emergency Management, our health care partners, Quaker Bridge Mall management and the leadership at Lawrence Township for clearing the hurdles necessary to get this site operating.”
Mercer County has contracted with Bio-Reference Laboratories, which will provide testing for individuals who are symptomatic and have been scheduled through their PCP.
To be eligible for testing, an individual must be examined by a PCP. The PCP will determine the need for the test based on symptoms. No one should be tested without being symptomatic. If the PCP deems a test is necessary, they will fax a prescription to the Mercer County call center with the patient’s phone number. Staff will then call the patient, take registration information and schedule an appointment, providing testing site instructions.
For the health, safety and security of staff at the site, patients will not be permitted to leave their vehicles. Walk-ups are not permitted.
If you believe you may have symptoms of COVID-19, the State of New Jersey’s COVID-19 Information Hub provides a self-assessment tool that will help you determine whether you should be tested. Visit
The statewide COVID-19 case count as of 1pm Saturday March 28th has topped 10,000, and now stands at 11,124 and a total of 140 fatalities, an increase of 32 deaths in the past 24 hours.
Cases by County
Data is provisional and subsequent to revision.
2,478 Positives Pending Further Information
Bergen County:
1838 Positive Test Result(s)
Essex County:
1086 Positive Test Result(s)
Middlesex County:
808 Positive Test Result(s)
Monmouth County:
781 Positive Test Result(s)
Hudson County:
771 Positive Test Result(s)
Union County:
742 Positive Test Result(s)
Ocean County:
624 Positive Test Result(s)
Passaic County:
608 Positive Test Result(s)
Morris County:
442 Positive Test Result(s)
Somerset County:
258 Positive Test Result(s)
Mercer County:
168 Positive Test Result(s)
Camden County:
123 Positive Test Result(s)
Burlington County:
115 Positive Test Result(s)
Sussex County:
81 Positive Test Result(s)
Hunterdon County:
61 Positive Test Result(s)
Gloucester County:
51 Positive Test Result(s)
Warren County:
51 Positive Test Result(s)
Atlantic County:
17 Positive Test Result(s)
Cumberland County:
11 Positive Test Result(s)
Cape May County:
7 Positive Test Result(s)
Salem County:
3 Positive Test Result(s)