Michael Gardner Challenging Jack Zisa for BCRO Chairmanship

I am Michael Gardner, a licensed attorney for thirty years, the Republican County Municipal Chairman of Oradell, and a registered Republican since I was eighteen years old. I am hereby declaring my candidacy for Chairman of the BCRO. It is out of complete exasperation, frustration, and disappointment with the current chairman that I have come to this decision. It is time to bring integrity and transparency back to the BCRO, and to restore confidence in the chairman’s office. We need to do away with the actions and decision-making of a dictator. We must restore your right to vote, be a strong voice, and advocate for the membership. This will provide opportunities for involvement and encourage Republicans to engage in the democratic process of getting our candidates elected.
Jack Zisa has not won an election in his three years of Chairmanship and we cannot afford to keep losing. Jack Zisa singly took away your voice and your
opportunity to determine who will be members of the county committee and who will advocate on your behalf as members of the executive board.
The BCRO bylaws and/or NJSA: Title 19 do not give the BCRO chairman authority to put off your vote. Jack Zisa’s actions violated our bylaws and Title 19. He has failed to responsibly carry out the duties and obligations of the office of BCRO Chairman. His unilateral actions during the past three years have weakened the Republican Party’s effectiveness, failing to get our candidates elected. Do not let Jack Zisa take away your right to vote!
I have a full ten-member team from all areas of the county that will be running for the BCRO Executive Board. This team will ensure the proper governess of the Bergen County Republican Organization, will strengthen our effectiveness, will endorse, and recommend candidates consistent with the BCRO bylaws and/or Title 19. We will always promote our Republican philosophy.
Respectfully submitted,
Michael Gardner