In the Midst of Sweeney/Murphy Divide, Hugin Plays up 'Bold Measures' of Sweeney-Oroho Plan

In a Fox News interview, U.S. Senate candidate Bob Hugin invoked state Senator Steve Oroho (R-24) and Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3) by way of enthusing about bipartisan recommendations advanced by a team of fiscal experts at the Statehouse earlier this month.
His comments comes a day after NJTV Chief Political Correspondent Michael Aron asked Democratic State Committee Chairman John Currie about a perceived divide between Governor Phil Murphy and Sweeney.
Murphy - an ally of public sector unions who would take a hit if the recommendations go forward - had this to say about the Sweeney-Oroho plan.
Here's what Hugin said:
"People are saying it's gone too far, 'we need change,'" said the Republican U.S. Senate candidate "Even Senator Sweeney and Senator Oroho the last few days...talking about bold measures to fix the financial issues that we have."