Democratic Challenger Ron Rivers Support's NJEDA Task Force Investigation into Corporate Tax Incentives

Progressive Democrat Ron Rivers says he supports Governor Phil Murphy’s task force investigation into official misconduct and improper payments made to corporations by the NJ Economic Development Authority (NJEDA).

With a battle raging between Democrats in Trenton, self-described progressive candidate in the 17th District, Ron Rivers announced his support for Governor Phil Murphy’s [bubbleAutoLink text="task force" id="55148"] currently investigating official misconduct and improper payments made to to corporations by the NJ Economic Development Authority (EDA).

“In an act that can only be described as brazen, political boss George Norcross and his allies worked to craft the very laws that funneled our tax dollars into their own pockets,” said Rivers.  “This is a bitter pill to swallow for any New Jersey resident concerned about our taxes.”

Rivers said the Norcross-EDA tax breaks scandal is only the latest in a series of unfortunate stories where politically-connected corporations financially dominate the ordinary citizens of our state.

Rivers said he wants to be clear that he supports the EDA Task Force in its investigation of questionable applications made to state tax break programs, and the alleged inappropriate influence of the law firm Parker McKay on a bill passed by the State Legislature.

“I will stand with Governor Murphy in his fight for transparency and accountability of the allocation and spending of our tax dollars,” said Rivers.

Running for a seat in the Assembly, Rivers is a 35-year-old native of North Brunswick.

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