Minimum Wage Increase? Addiego Gives Thumbs Up
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Senator Dawn Addiego (D-8) issued the following statement today after passage of legislation that will provide a ramp-up to a $15 minimum wage for most workers over the next five years:
"I support this $15 minimum wage legislation because it represents a responsible, balanced compromise that will enable employees to support their families while providing a five-year phase-in that gives businesses time to adjust. Many leading private companies, including major hospital employers, are already going to a $15 minimum wage.
"The bill provides for a more gradual seven-year phase-in for seasonal employees and small businesses with five employees or less, which is also important.
"As a senator from Burlington County, which has one of the strongest agricultural sectors in the state, I know how critically important it was to set a separate schedule for farm employees, which this bill does. Our crop farmers and production farmers, in particular, compete on price in a wide economy, and we can't price them out of the market. It is important to remember that, as under current law, food and housing provided by farmers to their employees will continue to count as part of the wage.
"I also had concerns about the impact on young workers, but Senate President Sweeney has committed to work with me on a tax credit for those who hire teens under the new minimum wage. We have to make sure our young people continue to have opportunities for employment, and I believe a targeted tax credit can ensure that."
The consequences of raising the minimum wage to $15: