Mistrial Likely in Menendez Corruption Case

NEWARK - The corruption trial of Sen. Bob Menendez is likely to end in a mistrial after nine weeks of testimony and nearly two weeks of deliberation.
A note from jurors received late this morning said that, not only was the jury still deadlocked, the opposing sides in the jury room are not about to budge from their respective positions.
"The language from the deadlocked jury is pretty clear we are at that stage," said Kirk Ogrosky, one of the lawyers for Menendez's co-defendant Dr. Salomon Melgen.
Prosecutors want deliberations to continue, and give jurors the option of reaching a partial verdict. Walls dismissed the idea, and appears based on his comments in court to be leaning strongly toward declaring a mistrial.
"Read the note, read the note for yourself," he said to lead prosecutor Peter Koski. "It is as definitive as it can be under the circumstances."
"There's no point in doing something just to say you've done it, i can understand how disappointed you may be in light of what may happen," Walls added.
As of noon Thursday, Walls said he will interview the jury foreman shortly to confirm the jury deadlock, and then potentially declare a mistrial and send jurors - and Menendez - home.