Moench Leads Bridgewater in Support of Howes as Somerset GOP Chair

Today, Bridgewater Mayor Matthew Moench, all five of Bridgewater's Council Members, and the entire
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Executive Committee of the Bridgewater Republican Municipal Committee expressed excitement in endorsing Tim Howes to take over as Somerset County Republican Chairman.
“Tim is the right candidate at exactly the right time to lead the Somerset County Republican Organization. Tim has been trying to build the party from the ground up, working with local organizations in Republican strongholds, such as he did in Bridgewater in 2019, to ensure that we have the strongest candidates possible to maintain our Republican base, while at the same time refusing to cede ground in traditionally Democratic municipalities, by recruiting and working with great candidates in municipalities like Franklin and North Plainfield. Tim knows that if we are going to take back Somerset County we need a leader who will build on the local successes so many of our local Republican organizations have had, while staying true to our Republican values and working harder than we ever have before. In addition, Tim has represented statewide candidates and has relationships across New Jersey, which will benefit all of us here in Somerset County, and help raise the money necessary to provide our candidates the tools they need to win. Tim has the ability to foster cooperation and collaboration across all twenty-one towns to once again make Somerset County and the Somerset GOP the model for winning in New Jersey. We wholeheartedly support Tim and are ready to work to elect Tim as Chairman, and then get to work on behalf of our Republican team in November.”
Mayor Matthew Moench
Council President Howard Norgalis
Council Vice President Filipe Pedroso
Councilman and Bridgewater Republican Chairman Michael Kirsh
Councilman Allen Kurdyla
Councilman Timothy Ring
First Vice Chair Lauren Vescio
Second Vice Chair Jim Weideli
Treasurer Tom Genova
Secretary Dawn Guttschall