Money-Mauled Webber 'Hangs Tough' with Paul Ryan; Says Trump Welcome in the 11th

HANOVER _ House Speaker Paul Ryan rallied the GOP faithful Wednesday with a call for the 11th District not to elect a Nancy Pelosi "clone" to Congress.

"No pressure," Ryan said at an upbeat rally for Jay Webber before an enthusiastic gathering at the Hanover Marriott. "But the rest of the country, we're counting on you."

In some ways, the presence of the Speaker - the man who is second in line to the presidency - was a bigger story than anything he said. In years past, the notion that the Republican running for Congress in northwest New Jersey would need help from the party leader to rev up the base would have been unthinkable.

Times have changed in a big way.

No longer the prohibitive favorite, as most Republicans have been, Webber acknowledged that he's in an awfully tough race.

He told about a few hundred people, many of whom waved red "Webber" signs, that if loyal Republicans vote in high numbers, he wins. If not, he loses.

Ryan, for his part, was not impressed with media talk of a "blue wave" favoring the Democrats. but was concerned about a "green wave."

He said liberals on both coasts are trying to buy Congress with huge donations.

Webber knows the problem.

He is being handily outspent by Democrat Mikie Sherrill, a woman he has dubbed "Montclair Mikie." Ryan picked up on the name, but the man from Wisconsin probably had little idea what it is supposed to mean.

(Of course, New Jersey people may not know what it means either, but that's another story).

Afterwards, Webber said that despite the fundraising discrepancy, "We are hanging tough."

The Webber camp is encouraged by recent polling that show the race within a few points. Webber said that while he was outspent 4-1 over the summer, Sherrill's lead dropped a few points in his internal polling.

Webber - and now Ryan - are making a big issue out of Pelosi.

Sherrill is on record saying she would not back Pelosi for party leader if she wins.

That's not the point, Webber says.

He contends that Sherrill has also said that she admires Pelosi's tenure as Speaker and her legislative accomplishments. And in Webber's mind, someone who admires Pelosi's legislative philosophy is not in step with the district.

The federal tax cut remains a wedge issue.

Webber says the Trump tax plan has put money in the pockets of district families and has stimulated a roaring economy.

Sherrill disagreed, dispatching a statement just before the Ryan event headlined, "Webber is in lock step with Ryan tax hike." It faulted the Trump tax plan for capping the deduction for state and local taxes at $10,000.

Webber also brings up the Democrats' call - in some quarters – to bring about "Medicare for all." Webber calls this "socialized medicine" and says it will destroy Medicare as we know it.

The irony here is that Medicare itself is very much "socialized medicine." Many conservatives over the years have called it exactly that.

Webber said he is not one of them, adding that he views Medicare as a "safety net" for many older Americans.

No rally with a Republican running for Congress would be complete without questions about Donald Trump. Webber praised the economy and America's foreign policy, but not did mention the president, who has endorsed Webber via tweet, in his remarks to supporters.

Asked if he wanted Trump to campaign for him, Webber said the president is welcome to do so.

Given the fact the president is no stranger to New Jersey – his Bedminster golf course is just outside the 11th District - it will be interesting to see if that happens.

Previous comments for: Money-Mauled Webber 'Hangs Tough' with Paul Ryan; Says Trump Welcome in the 11th

  1. Trad Jay Webber 4 NJ 🇺🇸 says:

    Thank you Speaker Paul Ryan for helping me out in my bid to defeat the unhinged leftist, Mikie Sherrill. Here’s to a future in NJ-11 that is better for everyone, except for gays, radical unhinged leftists, atheists, women who are not TradWife material, immigrants who don’t know their place, old people and children who expect free healthcare. 🙏✝️

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