Monmouth County: 506 COVID-19 Cases as of Thursday

FREEHOLD, NJ –Monmouth County Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone and Freeholder Deputy Director Susan M. Kiley have announced that, as of March 26, there are 506 positive cases of COVID-19 in Monmouth County.

The number and details of these cases will continue to be provided to towns through the chief local law enforcement officer via the County Office of Emergency Management on a daily basis.

“The most important message that we want to send to our residents is that everyone needs to take this public health crisis seriously and practice social distancing,” said Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone. “The goal at this time is to slow the spread of the outbreak, delay the expected surge in the number of cases and give hospitals the opportunity to obtain the needed supplies to treat patients. To do this, we all have to work together.”

There are actions that everyone can take to reduce further community spread. These actions include:

  • Staying home (especially if you are ill)
  • Covering your cough or sneeze with your arm
  • Cleaning frequently touched items (cabinet handles, doorknobs, remote controls, and cell phones)

“We understand the desire to be around friends and family, but we need to remember that staying away from them may be the best way to keep them safe right now,” said Freeholder Deputy Director Susan M. Kiley. “You can find ways to connect safely with friends and loved ones via phone or video conferencing platforms to reduce risk of exposure to illness.”

The Monmouth County the Health Department has established a COVID-19 Hotline to answer general questions. The number is 732-845-2070 and it is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Questions can now be emailed as well to

The Freeholders also remind residents that Monmouth County’s healthcare workers and first responders and their desperate need of personal protective equipment which has become increasingly scarce due to the ongoing battle against COVID-19.

Donations of these items are being accepted at Thompson Park, 805 Newman Springs Road, in Lincroft, beginning Wednesday, March 25, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Monday through Friday. For additional information, or to arrange the drop-off of personal protective equipment, please call 732-842-4000, ext. 4312. The phone number is staffed every day, including weekends.

The statewide COVID-19 case count as of 2pm Friday March 27th is 8825, and 108 fatalities, according to the NJDOH, a loss of 27 residents over the past 24 hours, and an increase of 1,982 cases.

COVID-19 Cases by County
Data is provisional and subsequent to revision.

1,984 Positives Pending Further Information

Bergen County:

1,505 Positive Test Result(s)

Essex County:

826 Positive Test Result(s)

Middlesex County:

640 Positive Test Result(s)

Monmouth County:

634 Positive Test Result(s)

Hudson County:

594 Positive Test Result(s)

Union County:

519 Positive Test Result(s)

Ocean County:

484 Positive Test Result(s)

Passaic County:

484 Positive Test Result(s)

Morris County:

391 Positive Test Result(s)

Somerset County:

222 Positive Test Result(s)

Mercer County:

131 Positive Test Result(s)

Camden County:

95 Positive Test Result(s)

Burlington County:

88 Positive Test Result(s)

Sussex County:

65 Positive Test Result(s)

Hunterdon County:

52 Positive Test Result(s)

Gloucester County:

40 Positive Test Result(s)

Warren County:

38 Positive Test Result(s)

Atlantic County:

14 Positive Test Result(s)

Cumberland County:

9 Positive Test Result(s)

Cape May County:

7 Positive Test Result(s)

Salem County:

3 Positive Test Result(s)

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