Monmouth Poll: Trump Strongest Candidate, Say GOP Voters


A majority of Republican voters feel former President Donald Trump would be their strongest nominee in the 2024 election. According to the Monmouth University Poll, Trump’s backing has remained firm while support for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has faded, even though he remains about as well liked as Trump among GOP voters. [Note: the interviews for this poll were completed before DeSantis officially launched his campaign last week.]

Nearly half (45%) of Republican voters – including those who lean toward the GOP – say Trump is definitely the strongest candidate to beat President Joe Biden in 2024, and another 18% think he is probably the strongest candidate. Just one-third of GOP voters say another Republican would definitely (13%) or probably (19%) be a stronger candidate than Trump.

Among voters who name Trump as their top-of-mind preference for the GOP presidential nomination, 74% say he is definitely the strongest candidate the party can put up against Biden and 21% say he probably is. Among those who express support for another candidate or have no choice at this stage, nearly 4 in 10 still feel Trump is either definitely (23%) or probably (16%) the strongest nominee the GOP can field. Only 22% of this group says the strongest Republican contender would definitely be someone other than Trump and 33% say it would probably be another candidate.

“If your main argument to Republican voters is that Trump wouldn’t be the party’s strongest nominee, you’ve got a heck of a challenge ahead of you,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.  “There’s a bit of a chicken and egg problem with assessing electability. As we found in our polling during the 2020 Democratic primaries, if voters back a candidate based on issues or character they also tend to feel that candidate is the most electable. However, this still underscores the larger point in this poll. If your message to voters who support Trump is he cannot win, you are going to hit a brick wall. Even if you eat into the group who thinks he is only ‘probably’ the strongest candidate, you may still not capture enough of the Republican electorate to overcome Trump’s hardcore base support.”

When asked without any prompting whom they would like to see as the Republican nominee for president in 2024, 43% of GOP-aligned and leaning voters name Trump. This is similar to his 41% support level in March and up from prior polls (33% in February and 26% last December). DeSantis is named by just 19%, which marks a steady decline from 39% in December (including 33% in February and 27% in March). No other candidate breaks out of the single-digits as a top-of-mind preference for GOP voters, which has been the case since Monmouth started polling the 2024 contest late last year. Even in a hypothetical 4-person contest with named candidates, Trump (56%) and DeSantis (25%) command the lion’s share of support. The other specified candidates in this scenario, former Vice President Mike Pence and former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, each muster just 7% support.

In a hypothetical head-to-head contest between just the top two contenders, 56% of GOP voters would choose Trump for the party’s nomination and 35% would pick DeSantis. Back in February, DeSantis (53%) had more support than Trump (40%). That shifted to an evenly divided contest in March (47% Trump and 46% DeSantis). Currently, Trump now holds an advantage in practically every Republican voting bloc, with the noticeable exception of college graduates. Three months ago, DeSantis led among major demographic groups within the party.

“DeSantis lost ground even before he got out of the starting gate. Republican voters still like him, but they haven’t heard a convincing case for why he would be the party’s best option,” said Murray.

The Monmouth University Poll also assessed GOP voters’ overall views of ten declared and potential Republican candidates for president in 2024. Republicans have overwhelmingly positive opinions of both Trump (77% favorable and 17% unfavorable) and DeSantis (73% favorable and 12% unfavorable). Among other announced candidates, two South Carolinians – Haley (47% favorable and 16% unfavorable) and Sen. Tim Scott (44% favorable and 8% unfavorable) – garner largely net positive reviews. However, about 4 in 10 Republican voters cannot provide a rating for Haley and just under half offer no rating for Scott. Business entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy (22% favorable and 6% unfavorable) and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (17% favorable and 14% unfavorable) are even less recognized, with 7 in 10 Republicans saying they have no opinion or have not even heard of either of these declared candidates.

Among those who are still mulling a presidential campaign, Pence and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie are the best known. Opinion of the former Vice President is mixed, but he emerges with a net positive review (46% favorable and 35% unfavorable). Christie, on the other hand, receives a decidedly negative rating (21% favorable and 47% unfavorable), and is the only contender of the ten tested in this poll who gets a net negative score from the Republican electorate. For the rest of the possible candidates included in the poll, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin has a net positive rating (31% favorable and 8% unfavorable) with 6 in 10 having no opinion or awareness of him and New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu gets a split decision (15% favorable and 15% unfavorable), with 7 in 10 providing no rating of him.

The Monmouth University Poll was conducted by telephone and online from May 18 to 24, 2023 with 655 Republican and Republican leaning voters in the United States. The question results in this release have a margin of error of +/- 5.5 percentage points for the full sample. The poll was conducted by the Monmouth University Polling Institute in West Long Branch, NJ.




(* Some columns may not add to 100% due to rounding.)


[Q1-9 & 18-23 previously released.]

[Q10-17 held for future release.]


  1. Looking ahead, who would you like to see as the Republican nominee for President in 2024? [OPEN-END QUESTION. LIST WAS NOT READ]
  TREND: May
Donald Trump 43% 41% 33% 26%
Ron DeSantis 19% 27% 33% 39%
Mike Pence 3% 1% 2% 2%
Tim Scott 3% 1% <1% <1%
Ted Cruz 1% 1% 1% 1%
Nikki Haley 1% 3% 1% 1%
Rand Paul 1% 1% 1% 0%
Vivek Ramaswamy 1% 0% 0% 0%
Others 5% 4% 5% 6%
(VOL) Don’t know 23% 23% 24% 25%
(n) (655) (521) (566) (563)


  1. I’m going to read you the names of some leaders in the Republican Party.  Please tell me if your general impression of each is favorable or unfavorable, or if you don’t really have an opinion. If you have not heard of the person, just let me know. First, [READ NAME]. [NAMES WERE ROTATED]
      TREND: Favorable Unfavorable No opinion Not
heard of
Former President Donald Trump 77% 17% 6% 0% (655)
-- March 2023 71% 21% 8% 0% (521)
-- Feb. 2023 74% 18% 8% 0% (566)
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis 73% 12% 11% 3% (655)
-- March 2023 76% 8% 11% 5% (521)
-- Feb. 2023 80% 6% 11% 3% (566)
Former Vice President Mike Pence 46% 35% 18% 0% (655)
-- March 2023 42% 37% 21% 0% (521)
-- Feb. 2023 55% 28% 17% 0% (566)
Former South Carolina Governor and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley 47% 16% 23% 14% (655)
-- March 2023 45% 16% 23% 16% (521)
-- Feb. 2023 47% 11% 22% 19% (566)
Business entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy 22% 6% 26% 46% (655)
-- March 2023 17% 6% 28% 49% (521)
-- Feb. 2023 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott 44% 8% 28% 20% (655)
-- March 2023 43% 6% 31% 20% (521)
-- Feb. 2023 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson 17% 14% 35% 35% (655)
-- March 2023 18% 9% 45% 29% (521)
-- Feb. 2023 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu 15% 15% 35% 36% (655)
-- March 2023 15% 16% 32% 37% (521)
-- Feb. 2023 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie 21% 47% 24% 8% (655)
-- March 2023 24% 42% 28% 6% (521)
-- Feb. 2023 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin 31% 8% 32% 28% (655)
-- March 2023 34% 7% 31% 28% (521)
-- Feb. 2023 36% 8% 30% 26% (566)


  1. Who would you choose if the candidates for the Republican nomination were Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, and Nikki Haley? [NAMES WERE ROTATED]
  TREND: May
Trump 56% 44%
DeSantis 25% 36%
Pence 7% 7%
Haley 7% 6%
(VOL) None 1% 1%
(VOL) Don’t know 5% 5%
(n) (655) (521)


  1. Now, who would you choose if the candidates for the Republican nomination were Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis? [NAMES WERE ROTATED]
    TREND: May
Trump 56% 47% 40%
DeSantis 35% 46% 53%
(VOL) Neither 3% 2% 2%
(VOL) Don’t know 6% 5% 5%
(n) (655) (521) (566)


  1. Regardless of whether you currently support Donald Trump, which of the following statements comes closest to your view about which Republican has the best chance to win in 2024:  Donald Trump is definitely the strongest candidate to beat Joe Biden, Donald Trump is probably the strongest candidate to beat Joe Biden, another Republican would probably be a stronger candidate than Trump, or another Republican would definitely be a stronger candidate than Trump?
Trump definitely strongest 45%
Trump probably strongest 18%
Another Republican probably stronger 19%
Another Republican definitely stronger 13%
(VOL) Don’t know 4%
(n) (655)


  1. Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not?
      TREND: May
Yes 55% 53%
No 42% 46%
(VOL) Don’t know 3% 1%
(n) (655) (521)




The Monmouth University Poll was sponsored and conducted by the Monmouth University Polling Institute from May 18 to 24, 2023 with a probability-based national random sample of 655 registered voters who identify with or lean toward the Republican Party. Interviews were conducted in English, and included 206 live landline telephone interviews, 305 live cell phone interviews, and 144 online surveys via a cell phone text invitation. Telephone numbers were selected through a mix of random digit dialing and list-based sampling. Landline respondents were selected with a modified Troldahl-Carter youngest adult household screen. Interviewing services were provided by Braun Research, with sample obtained from Dynata (RDD, n= 274), Aristotle (list, n= 316) and a panel of prior Monmouth poll participants (n= 65). Monmouth is responsible for all aspects of the survey design, data weighting and analysis. The full sample is weighted for region, age, education, gender and race based on voter list and US Census information (ACS 2021 one-year survey). For results based on this sample, one can say with 95% confidence that the error attributable to sampling has a maximum margin of plus or minus 5.5 percentage points adjusted for sample design effects (1.44). Sampling error can be larger for sub-groups (see table below). In addition to sampling error, one should bear in mind that question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of opinion polls.


51% Strong Republican
16% Republican, not strong
33% Independent, lean Rep.
53% Male
47% Female
15% 18-34
24% 35-49
32% 50-64
29% 65+
80% White
12% Hispanic
  8% Black/Asian/Other
40% High school or less
32% Some college
28% 4 year degree


unweighted  sample moe
TOTAL   655 5.5%
SELF-REPORTED PARTY ID Strong Rep. 340 7.7%
Rep., not strong 98 14.3%
Indep., lean Rep. 217 9.6%
IDEOLOGY Very conservative 282 8.4%
Somewhat conserv. 194 10.1%
Moderate 173 10.7%
EVANGELICAL Yes 336 7.7%
No 306 8.1%
AGE 18-49 181 10.5%
50-64 226 9.4%
65+ 233 9.3%
INCOME <$50K 152 11.5%
$50 to <$100K 194 10.1%
$100K+ 268 8.6%
REGION South, Gulf states 251 8.9%
Midwest, Mountain 202 9.9%
Northeast, West Coast 202 9.9%
GENDER Male 386 7.2%
Female 269 8.6%
RACE White, non-Hispanic 556 6.0%
Other 83 15.5%
COLLEGE GRADUATE No degree 336 7.7%
4 year degree 318 7.9%



Previous comments for: Monmouth Poll: Trump Strongest Candidate, Say GOP Voters

  1. Christopher Michael Wheeler says:

    Will bidens harris endings of it all Republicans candidate nikki haley Donald Trump Mike pence And more importantly let Joe Biden harris doing his jobs and polls everything's we founds key states

  2. NoMoreMarxistsInDC says:

    "Independent" Monmouth University Polling Institute???? BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! "Independent" my arse. Monmouth U. Polling called Hillary Clinton the winner in 2016. Monmouth U. Polling is skewed since they poll over 75% Democrats & Independents (Democrat-Lite). When Monmouth U. Polling decides to do 50/50 Democrat/Republican, or exactly 33/33/33 when including Independents, then they'll be a credible polling organization.

  3. Henry says:

    Does anyone trust Patrick Murray after the last New Jersey governor's race? He wasn't even CLOSE! RETIRE Pat!

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