Morris County Democratic Chairman Robinson Endorses Malinowski in CD7

Morris County Democratic Committee Chairman Chip Robinson this afternoon offered his personal endorsement this afternoon of Tom Malinowski for Congress in CD7 prior to his organization's Feb. 27th convention.
I want to make it known, that I personally endorse Tom Malinowski to be the Democratic Nominee in Congressional District 7 this November," Robinson said. "This endorsement is based upon several factors. Donald Trump and Paul Ryan’s Washington DC is a threat to the values that we hold dear. There is no more important thing for the Democratic party to do nationally then to win 24 seats in the house and take back the majority in order to start putting the brakes on the Trump and Ryan agenda. Tom gives us the best chance to actually win the seat. He is a moderate Democrat who has proven that he can rally support from unaffiliated and moderate republicans - he was introduced to the Senate at one point by John McCain. Tom’s district voted for Kim Guadagno and for Hillary Clinton, so it has shown itself to be a swing middle-of-the-road district.
"This race will take several million dollars to win and Tom is the only candidate on pace to raise the resources it takes to actually win the seat in November. He has been in the race for only four months and has already raised hundreds of thousands of dollars," the chairman added. "Tom has the character, the gravitas and the experience to serve. He served us with distinction in the State Department, and is well versed in global hot spots like North Korea. Should we get into a conflict with North Korea, Tom is exactly the kind of leader that we will need in the House of Representatives.
"I have had several meetings and consultations with my municipal leaders in District 7, and the consensus is that they and their committees feel just as strongly about Tom Malinowski," he added. "I will honor the results of the Morris County Convention on February 27th, no matter what they are, but the voters on my county committee should know where I and my municipal chairs stand on this in advance of the convention."