Morris County Democratic Women’s Caucus Endorses Sherrill

The Morris County Democratic Women’s Caucus (MCDWC) endorsed Mikie Sherrill for Governor of New Jersey. The MCDWC is a 500+ member organization that formed in the wake of the 2016 election. The MCDWC helps provide a strong foundation of support for Democratic women candidates, including identifying and developing candidates and campaign staff at the local level, as well as raising money and enthusiasm for their campaigns.
MCDWC Chair Meghan Lynch released the following statement in support of Mikie Sherrill:
"The membership of the Morris County Democratic Women’s Caucus has overwhelmingly voted to endorse Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill in her run for Governor. One member highlighted: 'I have seen how she has delivered for NJ-11 and New Jersey, and I know with her vast experience before and as Congresswoman, she will bring that to all of NJ when she is Governor.'
“Mikie is the best choice for New Jersey's future. She will protect our rights, help make NJ a better place to live for all, and stand up to any agenda that excludes or harms our citizens. Our Congresswoman will work hard with everyone, regardless of party, to make our state more affordable and increase opportunities. Mikie Sherrill has been incredibly effective and has shown time and again that she can get things done for New Jerseyans without compromising her principles. We look forward to working hard to get her elected."
The support from MCDWC comes as Mikie was endorsed by EMILYs List and Elect Democratic Women this week.
Sherrill said she has been a force in electing women candidates across New Jersey. Through her annual “Elect More Women” event this fall, she raised nearly $200,000 to support women running for office in the 2024 election cycle.
Didn't she just get elected to Congress?!