Morris County Money Ball

Ronald DeFilippis says he's donated thousands of dollars to the [bubbleAutoLink text="Morris County Republican Committee " id="26650"] while his opponent for party chair, Robert Zwigard, has donated nothing.
And that, DeFilippis says is a problem.
Zwigard agrees there is a problem, but not the one DeFilippis is talking about. Zwigard confirms he's donated nothing of late to the Morris GOP and he's proud of it.
"Like many others, I haven't donated to the current Morris GOP because of how reckless and wasteful they are with the money they do raise," he said in a statement. "I don't want my money going into the pockets of celebrity guests at fundraisers and to cover rubber chicken dinners at expensive venues."
Instead, Zwigard said he's helped raise money for the Morris Victory PAC, which he said has supported GOP candidates in more than 20 towns.
The back-and-forth is another sign of the divisiveness among Republicans in what traditionally has been one of the strongest GOP organizations in the state.
Besides money, the race for the GOP nod in congressional district 11 has slipped into the contest for chairman.
"It is imperative that we keep Rodney Frelinghuysen's congressional seat in Morris County," DeFilippis says.
To that end, he's backing Assemblyman Jay Webber of Morris Plains.
DeFilippis' obvious point is that Zwigard is not supporting Webber, a Morris County resident.
It is true that former county chair John Sette, a Zwigard backer, supports Antony Ghee of Passaic County for Congress.
But how about Zwigard?
Mentioning that county Republicans traditionally have not endorsed candidates in primaries, Zwigard said his main concern is "working for the winner to hold onto this Republican seat in November."
Expect this "fun" to continue until the Republican convention in three weeks.