In Morris, Freeholder Candidate Dinsmore Announces Endorsements by Rendo, Others

Today Republican Donald Dinsmore announced the endorsement of  2016 Republican Lieutanant Governor Candidate Woodcliff Lake Mayor Carlos Rendo. 

Mayor Rendo said, “ I met Don during a campaign trip of New Jersey Republicans to Florida on behalf of Marco Rubio when he ran to  win a U.S. Senate seat in 2016. I was impressed with Don’s  work ethic, intellect and dedication to conservative values. Don was a help to Kim Guadagno and myself in 2017. He will be an asset for Morris County.” 

Don Dinsmore said, “It is an honor to have Carlos’s endorsement, he has stood for Republican principals against Governor Murphy. I will look to him as a role model as I advocate for Morris County.” 

New Endorsements joining Rendo: 

Bill Chegwidden- Mayor Borough of Wharton and Former Morris County Freeholder 

Margeret Nordstrom- Former Morris County Freeholder 

Charles Germershausen- Councilman, Brough of Florham Park 

Sandy Drysdale-Chairwoman, Chester Township Republican Committee 

Giancarlo Ghione- New Jersey State Young Republican Chair 

Lisa Cortese – President, Morris Plains Republican Club 

Jim Connelly- President, Republican Club of the Chathams 

Tia Fritze-Morris County Young Republicans State Committeewoman,  Roxbury 

Marshall Bartlett- Former Mayor and Township Commiteeman, Harding Township 

Jim Murray- Former Mayor and Township Committeeman, Harding Township 

Peter Hoffman- Councilman, Chatham Borough 

Betsy Holdsworth- Former Chairperson, Harding Township Republican Committee 

Matheu Nunn- Former Township Committeeman, Morris Township 

Willam Budesheim- Former Mayor, Borough of Riverdale 

Gary Masterangelo, Former Councilman, Borough of Riverdale 

Brad Clinton- Former Councilman, Borough of Riverdale 

Lori Clinton- Former Republican Commiteemember, Borough of Riverdale 

Dr. Joseph Ricca, EdD – Former MCRC Treasurer, Former MCYR Chair, Former Morris Township Republican Committee Chair and current member 

Steven Moersdorf- Former NJYRF Chairman and MCYR Chairman, Chester Township 

Laurel Whitney- New Jersey Woman Business Owner and Roxbury Township Republican Committee Member 

Karen Arakelian- Montville Republican Activist 

Kathy Dailey- Former Candidate for Council, Borough of Madison  

Pat Pascrella- Former President, Morris Plains Republican Club 


These Endorsers join previously released supporters 

County-wide Officials 

Larry Casha, Republican State Committeeman; Hank Lyon, Former Morris County Freeholder; Patti Page- Former Morris County Republican Chair; Richard Wall- Former Morris County Undersheriff & Treasurer of Washington Township Republican Committee and James Barry- Former State Assemblyman 


Local Officials & Activists  


Doug Travers- Councilman, Borough of Butler; Bruce Harris- Mayor, Borough of Chatham; Len Resto- Former Councilman, Borough of Chatham; Curt Ritter- Committeeman, Township of Chatham; Gene Fitzpatrick- Former Councilman, Township of Denville; Kevin Scollans- Former Councilman, Township of Denville; Carol Spencer- Former Mayor & Councilwoman, Township of Denville; Susan Tietjan- Former Councilwoman, Township of East Hanover; Carmen Cefolo-Pane- Councilwoman, Borough of  Florham Park; Christopher Yates- Mayor, Harding Township; Timothy Jones- Deputy Mayor, Harding Township; Dev Modi- Committeeman, Harding Township; Nanette DiTosto- Committeewoman, Harding Township; Louis Lanzerotti- Former Mayor & Committeeman Harding Township; Mike Flanagan- Republican Activist, Harding Township; William Felegi- Republican Club President- Jefferson Township & Former Vice-Chair Morris YRs; Jayson Kohut- Chairman, Jefferson Township Republican Committee; Marie Fargomeni-President-Republican Club of the Boontons; Jerry Stevenson- Former Republican Club President, Borough of Madison; June Witty- Councilwoman, Township of Montville; Lisa LoBiondo- Former President, Montville Republican Club; Jonathon Wright- Former Chairman, Morristown Republican Committee; Gene Paradiso- Republican Club President, Borough of Mount Arlington; Alex Roman- Councilman, Township of Mount Olive; Louis Valori- Chairman, Parsippany-Troy Hill Republican Committee; Gregg Forsbrey- Committeeman, Township of Washington; Bill Wolgamuth- President, Washington Township Republican Club; Chris Gabbett- Millennial Republican Activist & Madison County Committee Member& Jordan Chester- Former Vice Chair Morris County Young Republicans

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