Morris Freeholders Create Morris County COVID-19 Recovery Task Force

Will Tap Key Biz, Govt, Education, Health, and Community Leaders
The Morris County Board of Freeholders has voted to create a Morris County COVID-19 Recovery Task Force, to include a group of key leaders from all segments of Morris County life, to help plan for the county’s eventual return to normalcy from the COVID-19 crisis.
The Task Force would operate in concert with President Donald J. Trump’s three-phase plan to gradually Open Up America Again.
“We thank Morris County residents for their great effort to deal with the current crisis, from sewing masks and helping to feed unemployed families to social distancing, hand washing, and caring for their family, friends and neighbors,’’ said Freeholder Director Deborah Smith. “Now we have to consider the next step to determine how recovery will occur, how we will get our great county on its feet again.’’
The Board of Freeholders has created a subcommittee, including Freeholders Smith, John Krickus and Tom Mastrangelo, to spearhead this effort.
Leaders from government, health, education, labor, social services, and others would be invited to participate in an effort to gather information, share ideas and develop strategies for the post-COVD-19 world in Morris County, in conjunction with state and federal governments. They would consider how to overcome potential obstacles to recovery.
The Task Force could:
- Gather information on the current state of Morris County’s economy, to determine what is and what is not working in the current response to the virus;
- Examine the potential gradual ramping up of the county’s work force;
- Consider how various businesses, industry, government, and education could adapt to new concepts to be able to reopen;
- Examine the role of local and county governments to assist in the reopening of the county.
More information on creation of the Task Force will be provided in coming days.
Please keep up-to-date on Morris County’s response to COVID-19 by visiting the county website at and click the Coronavirus button.