Morris GOP v Phil Rizzo

Hey Phil Rizzo, send us a check, or we'll see you in court.
That's what Morris County Republicans are saying to Rizzo's CD-7 congressional campaign.
In an offbeat, if not a bit crazy, intra-party skirmish, the Morris Republican Committee says the Rizzo campaign owes it $1,500 for sponsoring a table at the party's March convention.
As of early Friday afternoon, the Rizzo campaign had not responded to an emailed question about the alleged missed payment.
Rizzo lives in Morris County (Harding Township) but any hometown coziness doesn't go all that far. Rizzo sought support from Morris Republicans when he ran for governor last year and again this year when he's running for Congress. Both times he didn't get it.
But he did, according to the committee, agree to sponsor a table at the party's March 4 nominating convention.
A letter from the GOP committee to the Rizzo campaign hints of chicanery afoot.
It said Rizzo staff members claimed upon arriving at the convention that the $1,500 payment had been submitted online.
However, this was not the case.
"Given your payment delinquency, it is now clear to us that this was not a mistake, but an intentional and successful attempt to mislead our volunteers and organization," the letter said.
The letter says that if payment is not received in five days, the Morris committee will take the matter to court.
Just for the record, Morris Republicans endorsed Thomas H. Kean Jr. for the CD-7 GOP nomination.
Another RINO or Democrat in Drag.
He's as phony as his real estate deals!