Morristown Mayor Dougherty Announces Re-Election Bid

Morristown Mayor Tim Dougherty survived a heart attack and is resting comfortably at Morristown Hospital.

Morristown Mayor Tim Dougherty today Announced his re-election Bid.

“Over the last year, we have faced unprecedented times with extraordinary challenges while at the same time we rallied together as a community,” said Dougherty as he announced plans to see re-election to another four year term.

“We have kept Morristown moving forward and together we have achieved meaningful success
over the last four years,” said the Mayor.

Rounding out his Democratic municipal slate will be Councilwoman Toshiba Foster, Councilman David Silva and active community volunteer Nathan Umbriac.

All four will be seeking nomination in the June 8 Democratic primary.

Outlining what is expected to be the campaign platform, Dougherty said: “together we have put Morristown first by expanding our parks and open space, improving services and stabilizing our taxes.

“Our administration successfully introduced five budgets that decreased the municipal tax rate, created affordable housing, preserved 11 acres of open space, created a community garden, and new pocket parks in Town,” he noted.

“As for public safety, just recently, and most importantly, the Morristown Bureau of Police was awarded accreditation by the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Accreditation program,” Dougherty pointed out. “Only one third of law enforcement agencies, statewide, have earned this coveted recognition,” he said, adding, “it represents a significant professional achievement for our police department and its leadership and it acknowledges and recognizes policies and procedures of the highest standards.”

Councilwoman Toshiba Foster added: “It has been an honor to serve Morristown residents over the last eight years. We have and will continue to strive to make Morristown more affordable and have successfully worked on several public safety initiatives. I am excited for continuing the progress.”

“Since joining the Council we have worked diligently and tirelessly to improve our parks, safeguard quality of life and attract new small businesses to our Downtown” stated Councilman David Silva. “But there is still a lot that we need to work on to build upon our success.”

As a member of the Democratic team, Nathan Umbriac, a long-time community volunteer as a board member of Interfaith Food Pantry, Morristown Housing Authority, and Environmental Commission, stated, “I am enthusiastic to join such a dynamic ticket of leaders in our community. They have constantly fought to do the best for all residents and I look forward to working alongside them to continue the progress” he said.

“Together we have made great strides, but there is always more we can do,” Mayor Dougherty stated. “Together we will always put Morristown first.”

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