Munoz Zeroes in on Murphy's Emailed Response to Brennan

Assemblywoman Nancy Munoz (R-21) in her [bubbleAutoLink text="cross-examination" id="43219"] of Katie Brennan this morning honed in Brennan's communication with Governor Phil Murphy in an email.

Why did she feel compelled to reach out to Murphy?

"I had told several friends who were in the highest positions of power. I thought this would be enough but it wasn't," Brennan told Munoz.

Murphy wrote back to an email from Brennan referencing a sensitive matter during the campaign, "hang in there."

What did Brennan think about the answer, Munoz wanted to know.

"I don't know," Brennan said.


"Of course," Brennan said. "It's nice to know somebody has your back. I was optimistic."

But nothing happened.

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