Murphy Announces Porrino to Chair the Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission

Governor Phil Murphy today announced that former Attorney General Christopher Porrino will Chair the New Jersey Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission. Porrino was appointed by Governor Murphy to the Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission and was jointly designated as the Chair by Senate President Scutari and Speaker Coughlin. He will succeed former Chief Justice Deborah Poritz, who chaired the Commission from 2018 to 2023.
“I want to extend my deepest thanks and appreciation to former Chief Justice Deborah Poritz for volunteering her time to serve as Chair of the Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission for more than five years,” said Governor Murphy. “Chief Justice Poritz brought a unique credibility to the role, having viewed the criminal justice system from different vantage points as Attorney General and Chief Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court. Under her leadership, the Commission authored three major reports calling for significant reforms in New Jersey’s sentencing laws, many of which have been enacted in partnership with our Legislature. Chief Justice Poritz’s many chapters of public service to our State have enriched the lives of all of our residents, and I wish her all the best.”
“I am also proud to announce that Chris Porrino will be the new Chair of the Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission,” continued Governor Murphy. “Chris is widely respected throughout the legal world and across the political spectrum. During his time as Attorney General and Chief Counsel to the Governor, he played a crucial role in Governor Christie’s efforts to reform our criminal justice system in partnership with the Legislature and Judiciary. I know he is exactly the right person to build consensus for reforms that will make our sentencing laws fairer and more equitable, and I want to thank Senate President Scutari and Speaker Coughlin for agreeing to designate Chris as the Chair.”
The Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission was created by statute in 2009 to examine racial and ethnic disparities in the state’s criminal justice system. It is a 13-member Commission comprised of designees of prosecutors and law enforcement, the Attorney General’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office, and the Judiciary, as well as public members appointed by the Governor and the Legislature. However, the Commission did not officially convene until Governor Murphy initiated the appointment process in 2018. The Commission has since released three reports recommending revisions to laws governing the criminal justice system.
“I want to thank Governor Murphy for the opportunity to lead the Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission over the last six years,” said former Chief Justice Deborah Poritz, outgoing Chair of the Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission. “I am proud that the Commission produced three major reports containing members’ unanimous recommendations for criminal justice reform, and I am deeply appreciative of everyone across and outside of government who contributed to this important work. It is time for new leadership to continue the effort to reform our criminal justice system, and I know the Commission will be in good hands with Chris Porrino as Chair. I wish him and the rest of the Commission all the best and am grateful for their willingness to serve.”
“For many years, New Jersey has been a national leader in achieving groundbreaking criminal justice reform,” said former Attorney General Chris Porrino, incoming Chair of the Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission. “I am extraordinarily grateful to Governor Murphy, Senate President Scutari and Speaker Coughlin for this chance to assist in the reform effort in New Jersey, and I look forward to collaborating, once again, with our executive, legislative and judicial branches of government to continue this vitally important work.”
Porrino is currently a partner at Lowenstein Sandler where he has led the defense of a vast portfolio of clients from Fortune 500 companies, private and public companies, governments, not-for-profits, and individuals. He also serves as the Chair of the firm’s Litigation department.
During the Christie Administration, Porrino served as Director of the Division of Law, Chief Counsel to the Governor, and as New Jersey’s 60th Attorney General from 2016 to 2018.
Porrino is a graduate of Lehigh University and Seton Hall University School of Law.