Murphy Boxes Flood the State Division of Elections as Lesniak World Sizes Up the Scene
TRENTON – The scene this morning and this afternoon at the state Division of Elections office on the fourth floor of 33 West Street featured a team member attached to Assemblywoman Liz Muoio (D-15), a member of the team of state Senator Robert Gordon (D-38), individual Republican challengers in LD17 and LD3 – and box after box after box carted forth by team members in the name of the candidacy of former Goldman Sachs executive Phil Murphy.
“Phil Murphy today presented 43,042 petition signatures to the New Jersey Division of Elections, obliterating the state record with a filing that shows deep grassroots support and energy for new leadership,” said spokesman Derek Roseman.
An FDU poll last week shows Murphy garnering in the low twenties among Democratic voters, with most people undecided about governor. But the Democratic candidate – who this past week swept the last of the counties in his quest for party support, saw in the petition signatures a story of surging energy.
“Everywhere I go Democrats are energized, excited, and ready to take on the Trump-Christie agenda,” said Murphy. “I am grateful to every person who endorsed our campaign. We’ll harness their energy to build a better state from the middle class out and create more opportunity for all nine million who proudly call New Jersey home.”
Governor Chris Christie held the former record (14,835) for his 2013 reelection effort, Roseman noted.
Murphy minders Jenny Davis and Dave Parano happily crated packed white boxes through the doors of the state Division of Elections offices, with a jovial Essex County Freeholder (Murphy’s campaign strategist) nearby.
A gloomy narrative, meanwhile, permeated the world of state Senator Ray Lesniak (D-20), as his advisers wondered if indeed he intends to run for governor after all, on this the final day to file qualifying petitions to appear on this year’s ballot. Lesniak’s filed to run and officially certified, but some of his allies remain dubious about the campaign.
Lesniak is a goodman no doubt; and he is actually a real NJMAN. Murphy comes from Mass. The main issue for NJ is the environment; and preventing continued overdevelopment and sprawl. Christie was the worse in this sphere; demising Highlands & Pineland Water Protection Land Use Acts. We must tax the wealthy corporations not allow PILOT schemes.
You DO know that when you “tax the wealthy corporations,” all they do is pass that increased cost on to consumers such as you. You DO know that, right?
They already pass all to the working class. They escape tax responsibility in many ways and use their tax free to buy political power to pay even less ,while they undermine and control government. They write most gains and non-profit advocacy off tax free, while shipping work overseas. Guess you believe corporations are better than or above the people. part of the problem is the rich don’t pay what they used to. $$$has no loyalty.
So, you want them to pass MORE costs on to the working class? Corporations are in business to do ONE THING AND ONE THING ONLY. Reward the stockholders that put money into the business to make it operate. The stockholders are the ones that took the risk and get the rewards, not you and your silly 99% stuff. Corporations are not there to make it easy on you. If you buy stock, you should no better, if you don’t; you need to take a class in Econ 101.
You obviously believe in what has occurred in our Republic; money is the only value and good government being subverted by $$$$ must please you..I’m 67 years old been around some; its only gotten worse and your zeal for corporations are one reason one democracy; so-called American experiment is failing.. Good Day Sir..
So, I can put you down as a vote for Socialism? You DO know that failed even on the Plymouth Plantation, right? Yeah, I’ve been around for a bit as well, and the liberals since JFK’s time are the ones that have screwed our country over with confiscatory taxes that are choking the hell out of people. The war on poverty? The government has spent $22 TRILLION on that, and guess what, we still have deep poverty because far too many people like money being handed to them instead of working for it. That has instilled in their offspring the idea that I can sit back and the gubmint will take care of me.
BTW, my zeal for corporations is because corporations provide jobs, they grow the economy and corporations are what built this country. But I guess facts in my comment about Plymouth Plantation got in the way of your argument.
All Murphy’s crew did was tick off the great workers at the State Division Of Elections who now have to review the excessive amount of petition signatures. Since that petition probably includes an excess of 4000 pages of paper, can we now say Murphy wants to destroy the environment by wasting so much paper?
It’s ironic that you frame the guy from Goldman as some kind of left winger. lol Go back to listening to Limbaugh reruns.