Murphy: COVID-19 Cases Jump to 50 Statewide

Yesterday we had 29 cases. Today we are at 21, according to Governor Phil Murphy.
The statewide total is now 50 presumptive positive COVID-19 cases.
The governor stopped short of issuing a statewide closure of schools. He said he retains the option, but at the moment did not enact that executive decision. Too many children depend on schools services, including school lunch programs, the governor explained.
"In the coming days, a shipment of medical supplies [from the fedeal government]" will arrive in the state for first responders and those on the forward health provider lines, the governor said, including 84,000 respirators; and face masks and face shields.
Murphy urged people to stay home from school and work if they are not feeling well and to continue washing their hands.
"We must recognize the tremendous efforts of every health worker," Murphy said. "I also thank the custodial staffs, who are doing everything they can to keep the places where people go clean."
State Department of Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli confirmed that healthcare institutions have contacted the DOH with concerns about a lack of those supplies.
Today there were two more recorded cases in Bergen, meaning there are 15 total cases in that county.
"We're not prepared as a nation or a state to do mass testing," she added. "If you do not have symptoms, do not get tested."