Murphy Fires off a Letter to the Port Authority
Governor Phil Murphy sent a letter to Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Chairman Kevin O’Toole formally requesting monthly data on the continued impacts of New York’s congestion pricing scheme on the Port Authority.
“While we continue to fight New York’s disastrous congestion pricing scheme through litigation, we will be closely monitoring any adverse impacts of the program on our state,” said Governor Murphy. “The statistical information we are requesting will help us advocate for our commuters and the broader region as we fight this unfair policy.”
The Governor has asked that the Port Authority provide the following information retroactively for all months in 2023 and 2024, as well as on a monthly basis moving forward:
Total toll revenues for all tunnel and bridge crossings, separated by crossing;
Total number of vehicle passages, separated by vehicle toll class and crossing.
For a copy of Governor Murphy’s letter to the Port Authority, please click here.
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