Gov. Phil Murphy Fires off a Letter to NJ Legislature in Response to NJ 2020 Budget Proposal
Gov. Phil Murphy sent the NJ legislature a letter responding to the current draft of the NJ 2020 budget, objecting to what he calls “indefensible and needless cuts to wildly extensive programs,” the absence of a millionaire’s tax, estimated revenue streams, and other portions of the proposal he says doesn’t put constituents first.
Gov Murphy Ltr to Members of 218th Legislature 6.19.19(Visited 16 times, 1 visits today)
Yawn. With the McGreevey Millionaires Tax, there were 23,000 taxpayers affected. Now it’s 18,000. I guess they died???? I don’t begrudge the rich and don’t need Murphy’s “crumbs” from them. Cut spending! Reduce regulations! Don’t waste billions on rat hole school districts! Don’t tax us by zip code! Keep your California nonsense to yourself. We don’t want to become a public sewer and drug haven like San Francisco.