Murphy to Fundraise for Craig Coughlin Next Week

Leaping into the middle of a warzone with an observer's helmet still apparently firmly clamped in place, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy will co-headline a scheduled Oct. 25th fundraising event for Assemblyman Craig Coughlin (D-19).
The invitation sets the event at the Colonia Country Club in Colonia.
Gold: $5K
Silver: $2.5K
Bronze: $1K
Coughlin's looking to bump Speaker Vincent Prieto (D-32) off the throne of Assembly leadership and claims to have the votes, although Essex looks shaky at the moment as Prieto labors to shore up his northern base in preparation for a post-election showdown with Coughlin.
Last seen next to Democratic State Party Chairman John Currie at Monday night's LG candidates' debate, the sitting speaker is said to want Currie and the state party to help him with longshot Democratic candidates in LD39 and Ld25.
He's already stood on numerous stages with Murphy, and welcomed the Democratic nominee for governor to his own fundraising soiree.
Now it's Coughlin's turn, as the Middlesex assemblyman attempts to wrestle the narrative away from state Senator Nick Sacco (D-32) about how the North can lay claim to having made Murphy.