Murphy Hounds Guadagno Amid National Political Wars: 'Call Out or Get Out of the Way'

NEWARK - Phil Murphy and New Jersey Democrats attempted to impose some moral authority on the grandly depleted landscape of that variety, and condemn Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno for failing to condemn.
Running for governor, Murphy insisted he and his allies weren't on their "high horse," but noted the demographics of New Jersey and the national maelstrom of President Donald J. Trump-stirred policies, including he failure to call out the KKK and helming the revocation of DACA.
Murphy anchored the gaggle of fellow Democrats at his campaign headquarters, bashing and thrashing Republican gubernatorial candidate Kim Guadagno. "There has been a migration as it relates to what we're talking about today," said Murphy. "We've had an us versus them [climate] by the governor and lieutenant governor going on eight years."
Then there's Trump, who's emboldened people to act "on evil."
"Weeks of anti-Semitic behavior met by silence," Murphy said. "We felt we could not be silent any longer. We're not on a high horse. We're not holier than thou. This is the time where you got to break noise. Silence won't do.
"You call out or you get out of the way," the Democrat added. "What we've seen from the lieutenant governor is a failure of substance of form. This is the time of outrage as the most diverse state in the nation. These are the qualifications you need to be a leader of this state."
Murphy said he wouldn't hesitate to sue Trump on the DACA issue.
"This is a time of 'where's the compassion?' the candidate added.
"She is silent again in the face of racist and anti-Semitic hatred. Kim Guadagno still has not condemned Assemblyman Space for posing with the Confederate Flag," said state Senator Linda Greenstein (D-14). Nor did she speak out against her running mate, Woodcliff Mayor Carlos Rendo, making comments about "Little Jerusalem," the senator added. "Someone who refuses to address anti-Semitism cannot be expected to lead the state [with a large Jewish population]."
"There is a foul mood that is permeating our country. The deafening silence we are hearing from Kim Guadagno speaks volumes," said Assemblywoman Sheila Oliver (D-34), Murphy's running mate.
Murphy is just a bad joke. Has he called out Menendez to resign if convicted? Has he called out any of the violent left wing hate groups like Antifa? President Trump did the right thing by ending Obama's unconstitutional temporary executive order and asking Congress to finally do its job by passing immigration reform.
Somebody should take a good long look at the charming Ms. Greenstein's time at the Philadelphia DA's office. Racism? Hey, she's still cute as a peach.
Mr. Murphy, have you personally condemned Antifa and BLM? If not, you have no room to complain and this person wants to know if Insider NJ has asked the same question of Mr. Murphy.