With a week Left, Murphy Jumps Feet First into LD21 and LD25
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In an email blast to friends, Governor Phil Murphy signaled his campaign strategy over the next few days, and he coyly mentioned it again today at a press conference in Hoboken.
"You can expect to see me in and around the 20s over the course of the next week," Murphy told rreporters.
What did he mean?
Probably LD21 and LD25, where Democrats ar trying to snipe four seats, but would settle for one in terrirtory long dominated by the GOP.
In his note, Murphy said the following:
"Our Democratic Party is blessed with extraordinary candidates this year, from our Assembly Democratic caucus members led by Speaker Craig Coughlin to our many inspiring candidates working to flip long-held Republican seats -- candidates like Lisa Mandleblatt and Stacey Gunderman in the 21st District in Union County, Lisa Bhimani and Darcy Draeger in the 25th District in Morris County, Melonie Marano for Somerset County Freeholder, Christine Clarke and Laura Fortgang in the 26th District in Essex and Morris Counties, and so many others who have stepped forward to give their communities the representation they deserve."
Of course, he didn't mention Democrats running in South Jersey, including Gina LaPlaca and Mark Natale in battleground LD8, who are trying to take down incumbent assemblyman Ryan Peters (R-8) and his running mate, retired Burlington County Sheriff Jean Stanfield.
Ugly down the stretch, the GOP is doing everyting it can to warn voters about the Democrats' "socialist agenda," while Democrats in LD21 continue to highlight Assemblyman Jon Bramnick's (R-21) close connections to unpopular former Governor Chris Christie (see ad below).