Murphy Leaves Christie off His 'Good Republicans' List

Chris Christie, curiously or not, didn't make Phil Murphy's impromptu list of good Republicans today.
Murphy began his routine briefing by lashing out at the "pathetic minions" of the Republican Party who have not accepted Joe Biden's victory.
One of those he had in mind was Congressman Jeff Van Drew, the one-time south Jersey Dem who is now a Republican.
Van Drew, who was re-elected last November, has said he would not support certifying the Electoral College vote in favor of Biden when the House meets on Wednesday.
"If that's the legacy Jeff wants, it is what it is," Murphy said.
It's not only Van Drew.
Murphy said there are far too many state Republicans unwilling to break from Trump and acknowledge Biden as the winner.
"Silence is equal to acquiescence," he said.
The governor did salute two Republicans for condemning the president's desperate struggle to overturn the election.
They were former Gov. Christie Whitman and Assembly Leader Jon Bramnick.
Another top Republican who has criticized Trump's post-election antics more than once has been Christie.
But he didn't make Murphy's list.
Go figure.
In a COVID-related issue, Murphy admitted the reopening later this week of indoor youth sports is a balancing act that rests on the need for physical health.
But he said he is confident that as long as capacity guidelines are followed, there should be no problems. Those guidelines essentially limit attendance only to those involved in playing, officiating and coaching the game.
At the same time, the governor was miffed at yet another incident of "knucklehead" behavior; this time at an indoor soccer tournament over the weekend in Harrison with about 400 people.
Murphy said such behavior takes his breath away and he wonders where these people have been.
He then answered his own question.
"You've been under a rock for 10 months," the governor said.
God Bless Governor Murphy and his genuine caring for all of the people of our State. Bob Knapp, Jersey City
ONE WORLD ORDER IN NJ NEW JERSEY IS A HOPLESS PLACE TO LIVE. NOW NORCROSS AND HIS CORRUPT BUDDIES HAVE INFILTRATED THE WHITE HOUSE. THEY PLAY BOTH SIDES AND DIVIDE PEOPLE. THEY ARE BAD TO THE BONE. EVIL, SINISTER, CORRUPT AND STRAIGHT UP DEMONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! Christie protected Norcross all those years going back to those tapes. Christie and that corrupt Judge named Simandle made sure Norcross would walk for those criminal tapes. They made norcross rich and powerful Christie is the nucleus to the problems New Jersey Faces today. Christie, Norcross Brothers, Sweeney Trump and these crazy corrupt elected officials, BOTH DEMOCRATE AND REPUBLICAN ran New Jersey into the ground. Norcross positioned Christie on television to spin his BS Christie is irrelevant. His oversize butt should have gone to jail for the bridge closure but he and his buddies abused their power and had their judges turn a blind eye to their criminal acts of bridge closures, retaliation and murder. Every last governor in New Jersey are weak puppets who play lets make a deal with Norcross. Mankind hasn't had the balls to take down this spiritual warfare They hatched a plan and for the past 30 years they have taken over, stole, swindled and created the POOREST CITY IN THE NATION. The people who do nothing but participate are all JUDAS
...................GO FIGURE??? Chris Christie does not belong on any type of good list. He lacked the courage to wear a mask at the White House Gathering. AND NOW, months too late, he is telling us to wear masks. He is simply campaigning for 2024. Also, Christie, a man who voted for Trump twice, who enabled Trump from the beginning, does not belong on the good list. BOTH GOVERNOR MURPHY AND I KNOW THAT!!!
Christie has never been a "good Republican." He has always been an egotistical jerk. Ironically, while he derides Rep. Van Drew, he conveniently forgets the millions in his party who denied - and still deny - Trump's election in 2016. Typical liberal hypocrite!