Gov. Phil Murphy on the Millionaire’s Tax: ‘Whose Side are You on?’

Opinions clashed in Hackensack as Governor Phil Murphy made his case for the millionaire's tax. Speaker Craig Coughlin later responded saying the governor should plan to receive a budget that doesn't include the millionaire's tax.

Governor Phil Murphy surfaced in blue collar burgh Hackensack this morning to make his case for the [bubbleAutoLink text="millionaire's tax" id="54417"].

It's time to stop treating the budget as a crisis fire drill, the governor said.

"Who's side are you on?" he asked.

Middle class families hammered by President Donald J. Trump, who would gain $250 million in direct property relief through the millionaire's tax?

Or 19,000 millionaire's making out just fine?

"I stand for fairness," Murphy said.

Teaneck Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin said he was angry.

He took a shot at the legislature.

"Why are the adults in the room not passing this?" the mayor said. "If they would have passed it last year, I would have spent it this year. I am calling on the legislator to do the right thing for the people of New Jersey.

"Pass the millionaire's tax," he urged, and threatened to replace legislators who don't back the tax.

Like Hammeeduddin, Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich noted that the governor ran on a millionaire's tax.

"He's a man of his word," Sokolich said of Murphy.

Speaker Craig Coughlin Spokesperson Liza Acevedo later had this to say on the Millionaires Tax:

"Speaker Coughlin does not believe we need to include a millionaires tax to balance the budget.

"Speaker Coughlin looks forward to continuing discussions with the Governor and Senate President to ensure government, at all levels, runs as efficiently and effectively as possible, advance fiscally responsible legislation and craft a state budget. Speaker Coughlin encourages Governor Murphy to keep an open mind regarding signing a fiscally sound budget, excluding a millionaires tax."


Previous comments for: Gov. Phil Murphy on the Millionaire’s Tax: ‘Whose Side are You on?’

  1. Robert Knapp says:

    We in all legislative districts need to contact our Assemblymembers and Senators and urge the passing of this most important, historic and landmark piece of legislation. The middleclass will prevail with this Millionaire Tax. At last we have a Governor who will stand for the working class in this state and not the extremely wealthy. God Bless Phil Murphy!! Bob Knapp, Jersey City

  2. 1Prop says:

    Tax and spend. Spend and tax. Enough already!

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