Murphy Names Restart and Recovery Advisory Council

The Freeholder fight unites more than it delights.

Governor Phil Murphy today announced the formation of a statewide council of leaders to advise on New Jersey’s restart and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Governor’s Restart and Recovery Advisory Council will work in conjunction with the commission named last week and will bring together leaders from various industry, community, and faith-based groups and institutions across New Jersey to advise state leadership on economic issues impacted by the pandemic.

“As we begin the difficult task of restarting New Jersey’s economy and recovering from the damaging effects of COVID-19, this advisory council brings together leaders from all walks of New Jersey life,” said Governor Murphy. “This group will not only help us gather the local intelligence we need to get our economy running again, but also will help us create the framework for coping with our new long-term economic realities.”

In addition to focusing on issues surrounding the short-term restarting of New Jersey’s economy, this council also will begin the task of positioning the economy and creating a framework for the long-term recovery.

The council will be co-chaired by New Jersey Secretary of Higher Education, Dr. Zakiya Smith Ellis, New Jersey Economic Development Authority CEO Tim Sullivan, and Choose New Jersey President and CEO Jose Lozano. The council will have nine subcommittees, each of which will be chaired by a council co-chair.

“The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every facet of life and every sector of our economy in some way. As we plan for how we can ensure New Jersey remains a place where opportunity meets innovation, I am honored to join many of our state’s most talented thought leaders, as well as my state colleagues, to ensure we are not overlooking any aspect of a successful recovery,” said Dr. Zakiya Smith Ellis, Secretary of Higher Education. “The work of this council will complement a group of higher education leaders who will consider the role of higher education in the state’s restart and recovery efforts.”

“COVID-19 is first and foremost a public health crisis, but it’s also an economic crisis on a scale that outpaces anything in recent memory. Restarting and then driving a recovery of our economy will require comprehensive input from a wide spectrum of economic and community stakeholders, and Governor Murphy has assembled an extraordinary group of New Jerseyans to help guide these efforts via this council,” EDA CEO Tim Sullivan said.

“I’m honored to join Zakiya, Jose and the Governor’s Office to help lead this effort to build a stronger, fairer and more resilient economic future for New Jersey.”

“I look forward to working with New Jersey Higher Education Secretary Dr. Zakiya Smith Ellis and NJ Economic Development Authority CEO Tim Sullivan to co-chair the Governor’s Restart and Recovery Advisory Council, as well as various industry leaders and community members to rebuild our economy in the wake of the worst pandemic of our lifetime,” said Jose Lozano, CEO of Choose New Jersey. “It is critical that we engage our state’s business community and help them every step of the way on the road to recovery. As a blueprint for restarting New Jersey’s economy is developed, we’ll look to the council to advise on  short and long-term considerations and opportunities. I  look forward to working with committee members to ensure New Jersey rebuilds stronger than ever from this crisis.”

The advisory council subcommittees will begin virtual meetings next week. The nine subcommittees are Facilities and Construction; Government; Health Care; Main Street; Manufacturing and Supply Chain; Professional Services; Social Services and Faith; Tourism and Entertainment; and Transportation and Infrastructure.

While the commission named by Governor Murphy last week will focus on national, state and macroeconomic issues surrounding the restarting, the advisory council will take a microeconomic view of the recovery, determining the individual challenges that each sector faces. The advisory council is expected to remain empaneled for as long as necessary to advise the Governor on the state’s recovery.

“We understand that we need a smart, granular approach to recovery. How you reopen a restaurant at the shore is different from how you restart a factory in South Jersey,” Governor Murphy noted.  “This council will also be guided by our core principle of building a New Jersey that is stronger and fairer and works for every family.”

Members of the council and their respective committees can be found here or viewed below.

Copy of Executive Order #140


Facilities and Construction:

Marlene Asselta SNJDC
David Barry Ironstate Development
Joe Baumann McManimon, Scotland, & Baumann
Staci Berger Housing and Community Development
Wassem Boraie Boraie Development LLC
David Brogan NJ Apartment Association
Sarah Clarke DEVCO
Bill Colgan Community Healthcare Associates
Jeff Crum Community Asset Preservation Corporation
Morris Davis Rutgers Center for Real Estate
Eileen Della Volle KS Engineers
Mike Demarco Mack Cali Realty Corp
Joe DeMark Sheetmetal Workers
Jeremy Farrell LeFrak Organization
Carl Goldberg Canoe Brook Management LLC
Lori Grifa Archer Greiner
Derrek Griggs Affordable Housing Alliance
Michael Hanrahan American Institute of Architects NJ
Joe Jingoli Joseph Jingoli & Son Inc.
Lisa John-Basta CSG Law
Vinnie Lane Painters
Mike Maloney Pipetrades
Nevins McCann Connell Foley
Mike McGuinness NAIOP
Gil Medina CBRE
Bill Mullen Building Trades Council
Wendy Neu Hugo Neu
Darwin Roman National Association of Latino Professional Realtors
John Saraceno Onyx
Carol Ann Short NJBA
David Simon Simon Property Group
Ron Simoncini Axiom Communications
Bill Sproule Carpenters
Elizabeth Tice K. Hovnanian Homes
Richard Tolson Bricklayers
Jerry Zaro Sills Cummis



Peggy Anastos LUPE
Ras Baraka Urban Mayors
Joe Calabro IBEW
Eugene Caldwell Jail Wardens
Mike Cerra League of Municipalities
Pat Colligan NJ State PBA
Tom DeGise Hudson Executive
Joe DiVincenzo Essex Executive
John Donnadio NJAC
Ed Donnelly NJ FMBA
Bob Fox NJ FOP
Brian Hughes Mercer Executive
Al Kelly Urban Mayors
Janice Kovach Mayor/ NJLM
Colleen Lapp Tax Collector NJ
Dennis Levinson Atlantic Executive
Mike Mastronardy Sheriffs- COA
Steve McConlogue NJ PFA
John McCormac Former Treasurer
Dave Miller County Finance Officers
Janice Mironov NJ Conf Mayors/NJLM
Frank Moran Urban Mayors
Teri O'Connor VP NJA County Admins
Steve Peter Clerks- COA
Hetty Rosenstein CWA
Gerry Seneski Finance Officers
Connor Shaw IUJAT
Susan Shin Angulo Mayor
Amol Sinha ACLU
Jim Tedesco Bergen County Executive
Steve Tully AFSCME
Jaclyn Veasey Mayor
Matt Watkins Municipal Managers



David Baiada Bayada Home Health Care
Mike Beson Guide Strategies
Kevin Conlin Horizon
Joan Dublin NJPA and Metropolitan FQHC in Jersey City
Shereef Elnahal University Hospital
Nancy Fitterer NJ Home Healthcare Hospice Association
Dr. Dovid Friedman CHEMED
Robert Garrett Hackensack Meridian Health
Perry Halkitis Rutgers School of Public Health
Heather Howard Princeton, RWJF
Ev Liebman AARP
Al Maghazehe Capital Health
Ana Montero Formerly Red Cross Leader
Kevin O'Dowd Cooper Hospital
Barry Ostrowsky RWJ Barnabas Health
Dr. Jubril Oyeyemi Cherry Hill Free Clinic - General Practice
Dr. John Regis Doctors Representative
Milly Silva SEIU 1199
Kevin J. Slavin St. Joseph's Health
Mark Taylor NJ Pharmacist Association
Keeanga Taylor Princeton University
Dr. Mitchell Weiner NJ Dental Association
Debbie White HPAE


Main Street:

Stephen Blazejewski NJ LGBT Chamber
Linda Bowden PNC Bank-Small Business
Francisco Cortes New Jersey State Veterans Chamber of Commerce
Jeanne Cretella NJRHA
Luis Delahoz Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Leon Fraser NJSBDC
Barri Gibson Ruby Red Roots
Bill Granfield SEIU Local 100 – Unite Here (restaurant workers )
John Harmon AACCNJ
Paul Hoffmann Liberty Science Center
Duvi Honig Orthodox Chamber of Commerce
Frank Isoldi Caldwell Banker
Jill Johnson Institution for Entrepreneurial Leadership
Raymond Lamboy Latin American Economic Development Association, Inc.
Richard Lawton NJ Sustainable Business Council
Brandon McKoy NJPP
Vonda McPherson Restaurant Operater Newark
John McWeeney New Jersey Bankers
Carmen Mendiola Restaurant and Small Business Advisory committee in Jersey City
Maria Neives HOLA
Priti Pandya-Patel NJ Asian Indian Chamber of Commerce
Vipul Patel Asian American Retail Association
Ben Pearlman NJRMA
Corinne Power Camden-Restaurant Operater
Christina Renna Southern NJ Chamber
Nadeem "Nick" Saleem ICSJ/ United Wealth Group LLC
John Sarno Employers Association of NJ
Michele Siekerka NJBIA
Dean Smith NJ Main Street Alliance



Manufacturing and Supply Chain:

Jeff Altschuler Allied Beverage Group
Tiffany Bohlin FullBlue360
Laurel Brennan AFL-CIO
Patricia Campos Medina, PHD The Worker Institute, ILR Cornell University
Kim Case R&D Council
Gail Ciccione Becton Dickinson
Jessica Culle CATA
Sara Cullinane Make the Road
Linda Doherty NJ Food Council
Lisa Dreilinger RB
Adam Glauberg Johnson & Johnson
Dennis Hart NJ Chemistry Council
Debbie Hart BioNJ
Dr. John Impellizeri Rutgers University
Dr. Jean-Pierre Issa Coriell Institute for Medical Research
John Kennedy NJMEP
Shirley Kline Ag Community
Roxanne Lagano Zoetis Inc
Wendy Lazarus Pfizer
Samuel Nesbit Fedex
Dean Paranicas HINJ
Mark Patterson BASF
Alphonse Rispoli Teamsters
Charles Rosen Ironbound Farms
Nancy Rurkowski Bristol-Myer Squibb
Tony Russo CIANJ
Joe Sheridan Wakefern
Tom Szaky Terracycle
Kim Van Utrecht UPS
Dave Young UFCW


Professional Services:

Neil Bhaskar Bode
Tom Bracken NJ Chamber
Charlene Brown ATT
Kevin Brown SEIU 32-BJ
Cathleen Callahan Bank of America
Art Cifelli The Venn Group
Kevin Cummings Investors Bank
Marilyn Davis Altice
Alma DeMetropolis JPMorgan Chase
Brenda Ross Dulan Princeton Chamber
Marcus Dyer WithumSmith + Brown
Don Katz Audible
Mitch Livingston New Jersey Manufacturers
Laura Matos Kivvit, Lupe PAC
Carlos Medina Hispanic Chamber
Michelle Meyre Ship KPMG
Pamela Miller Global Strategies
Christine O'Brien Insurance Council of NJ
Evelyn Padin NJSBA
Raj Parikah Genova Burns
Braxton Plummer Verizon
Aaron Price NJTC
Jatinder Singh
Jackie Taylor EY
Gina Tedesco Golden Seeds
Ian Trombley NBC Universal
Kelly Watson KPMG


Social Services and Faith:

Mohsen Badran ACCSES New Jersey Inc.
Tom Baffuto The ARC of NJ
Jessica Berrocal NJ Sisterhood
Jacob Caplan EasterSeals NJ
Tiffany Cardwell Coalition of Day Care Centers in Jersey City- New Brunswick
Peter Chen Advocates for Children NJ
Joshua Cohen Jewish Federation
Ronsha Dickerson Camden We Choose
Eric Dobson UBA/Fair Share Housing
Rev. Raymond Fawole African Pastors
Christian Fuscarino Garden State Equality
Kiran Gaudioso United Way Northern New Jersey
Susan Haspel Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey
Elaine Helms Rain Foundation
Renee Koubiadis Anti-Poverty Network of New Jersey
Adele LaTourette Food Bank
Sara Lilja LeamNJ
Wendy Martinez Latino Pastors and Mininsters
Rev Marilyn Mornoe Harris
Salah Mustafa ICPC
Joshua Rodriguez National Latino Evangelical Coalition, New Jersey Coalition of Latino Pastors and Minsters
Carlos Rodriguez Community FoodBank of New Jersey
Rev. Louis Roundtree Newark office of Clergy Affairs
Phyllis Salowe-Kay Citizen Action
Avi Schnall Agudath Israel of America
Rev. Dr. Danny Scotton Alpha Baptist Church
Rev. John Taylor Rev in Trenton
Rev. Lester Taylor General Baptist Convention
Imam Uhmar Salahuddin Pleasantville
Wei Han Zhou Community Options


Tourism and Entertainment:

Curtis Bashaw Congress Hall
Steve Callender Casino Association of New Jersey
Brian Cheripka iStar Development
Vicki Clark NJ Tourism Industry Association
Dennis Drazin Monmouth Racetrack
Haime Elhai New York Jets
Curtis Farrow Irving Street Rep
Jarrod Grasso NJ Realtors
Peter Guelli New York Giants
Jeff Gural GFP Real Estate
Marilou Halvorsen NJ Restaurant & Hospital Association
Bishop Hargrove Atlantic City Minister Coalition
Amy Herbold Triple Five
Jim Kirkos Meadowlands Chamber
Dan McCarthy Lake Hopatcong Commission
Bob McDevitt Local 54
Will Morey Morey Piers
Kevin O'Brien IATSE
Scott O'Neil Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment
Sheila Reynertson NJPP
Marilyn Schlossbach New Jersey Restaurant and Hospitality Association
Brendan Sciarra Cape May Brewing
Ron Vandeveen Metlife Stadium
Peter Ward Hotel Trades Council
Roberto Yañez Univision


Transportation and Infrastructure:

Amit Bose HNTB, Coalition for Northeast Corridor
Nat Bottigheimer Regional Plan Association
Dave Smith UTCA
Alixon Collazos Public Affairs Expert
Dennis Dagget ILA - 1094
Jim Fakult Jersey Central Power & Light Company
Reva Foster NJ-BIC
Pam Frank Charge EVC
David Gahl Solar Energy Industry Association
Steve Gardner LiUNA
Dan Gumble IBEW Local 164
Kim Haneman PSE&G
Jerome Johnson SMART
Jill Kaplan United Airlines
Glen Kartalis Council of Engineers
Jack Koscic ACCNJ
Greg Lalavee Operating Engineers 825
Nadine Leslie Suez Water
Ev Liebeman AARP
Ali Maher Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation
Lauren Moore Atlantic County Economic Alliance
Jon Nardi New York Shipping Association
Cheryl Norton American Water
Fred Potter Teamsters
Mike Renna South Jersey Industries
Orlando Riley ATU
Nick Sifuentes Tri State Transportation Campaign
Scott Sprengel Executive VP of Coach USA and VP of the BANJ
Fred Warner AECOM
Steve Westhoven NJ Natural Resources
Ray Woodall Ironworkers
Charlie Wowkanech AFL-CIO

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