Murphy: 'Norcross has Dedicated His Life to Fighting for NJ’s Working Families'

Norcross at Picatinny.

U.S. Rep. Donald Norcross (D-1) today announced his bid for re-election to the United States Congress in New Jersey’s first Congressional District. At the announcement, Norcross received the endorsement off Governor Philip D. Murphy and a cross-section of labor and community leaders.

“I am honored to be the voice for working men and women in Congress,” said Norcross.  “I understand the struggles of South Jersey families, I've lived it.  I worked with my hands as a union electrician, attended community college, I was a single dad trying to find affordable quality child care. And I am running for Congress to continue my fight to ensure our voices are at the table.”

In addition to Murphy, representatives from the NJ AFL-CIO and South Jersey Building Trades, the NJEA, CWA, AFSCME, nurses from HPAE, Southern Jersey Building Trades Council and Planned Parenthood.  Emily McGrath, President College Democrats of New Jersey helped kick off the announcement.

“Congressman Norcross has dedicated his life to fighting for New Jersey’s working families,” said Murphy. “A union electrician by trade, Donald has lived the values of hard work, responsibility, and fairness. Since entering Congress, he’s fought to raise wages, expand vocational and apprenticeship training, and create safer neighborhoods in his district. I know he’ll continue working alongside me and our Congressional delegation in Washington to put the needs of New Jersey families first, which is why I’m proud to endorse his re-election to Congress.”

Norcross said he has been at the forefront of making focused federal investments back into the 1st Congressional District and into his community. He said he has delivered funds to fix and maintain roads, bridges, upgrade utility infrastructure and clean energy projects. In addition, he mentioned bringing federal funds back to the district to support hiring first responders, investing in vital medical research at our institutions of higher learning and ensuring veterans have the support they deserve and need. Also, he said he has played "an important role" in addressing the opioid epidemic and ensuring the residents of the district were and are able to access the life saving COVID-19 vaccines and testing throughout the pandemic.

Norcross is the Vice-Chair of labor for the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Co-Chair and founder of the Labor Caucus.

“I am honored to accept the endorsements of Governor Murphy, organized labor and especially our essential workers who bravely kept America going in difficult times over the last two years," said the congressman. "I pledge to honor their sacrifices by continuing to put workers and families first, advocating for the priorities we all share -from affordable and accessible childcare to  healthcare for all. We have a lot of work ahead, but I’m confident we are up to the challenge. We are South Jersey Strong.”

Congressman Norcross was joined at the announcement by:

  • Governor Phil Murphy, Remarks intros Rep. Norcross
  • Congressman Donald Norcross, Remarks (Emcee)
  • Charlie Wowkanech, President NJ AFL- CIO
  • Sean Spiller, President NJEA
  • Loretta Winters, Civil Rights Leader
  • Fran Ehret, State Director CWA
  • Dan Cosner, President South Jersey Building Trades
  • Steve Tully, Executive Director AFSCME
  • Debbie White, NJ President HPAE
  • Cory Neering, Planned Parenthood Political Action Committee

What others are saying about Congressman Norcross:

“Congressman Norcross has not forgotten the power and support of being in a union, and by supporting labor, he knows he is helping to improve the lives of all working people.  We are proud to stand with Congressman Norcross and look forward to continuing to work with him in the future.”  Debbie White, President Health Professionals and Allied Employees (HPAE)

“Congressman Norcross has been an advocate and a staunch supporter of civil rights, and his voting records support this statement.  I am proud to be in a congressional district where we are represented with passion, truth, and justice.” Loretta Winters, Civil Rights Leader

“AFSCME supports Congressman Norcross because he respects the everyday contributions that our members make to the quality of life for the people of the 1st District. Congressman Norcross not only supports the women and men of organized labor but he has a natural understanding of the needs of all working people because he is one of us. He has proven himself time and time again to be a strong advocate for workers, particularly AFSCME members. He has stood with us and we stand with him. - Steve Tully, Executive Director AFSCME NJ.

“Congressman Norcross has been a constant advocate for affordable higher education and making sure students know all career options on the table for them. He has been named Mentor of the year by the Rowan Democrats and embraces that title still today. I have seen firsthand how hard he works for his constituents and am proud to support him.” Emily McGrath, President College Democrats of New Jersey and VP Rowan Democrats

“I am proud to join with Governor Murphy to support the reelection of Donald Norcross. Don is not the typical career politician. He spent most of his life as a blue-collar electrician and he knows the enormous challenges that our working families are under. From making a decent wage, rising health care costs, providing safe neighborhoods, providing education for our children, to just simply putting food on the table – Donald knows the issues that affect us and he takes care of us.” - Charles Wowkanech, President NJ AFL-CIO.

The primary election is June 7th and the general election is November 8th.

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