Murphy Orders Full Vaccinations for School/State Employees

Governor Phil Murphy this afternoon formally announced that he is signing an executive order requiring all pre-school through grade 12 personnel to be fully vaccinated by October 18th or undergo regular testing at a minimum of once to twice each week.
"While schools have already been notified, more details will be released soon," said Murphy. "We have received multiple reports that [personnel have already received vaccines]."
Children can get COVID and they can spread COVID, the governor reminded people.
"We're not going to sacrifice the safety of our students and staff," said Murphy, who has already required masks in schools as children prepare to go back to the classrooms.
Teachers are already extremely well vaccinated, noted Murphy - adjunct staff less so.
The same vaccine requirement will apply too all state employees, the governor noted.
Who will be paying for this "regular testing?" I'm thinking it should be the unions.