Murphy: 'A Pandemic of Un-vaccinated Individuals'

Is the pandemic over?
It all depends.
Here's how Gov. Phil Murphy put things today.
"This is becoming a pandemic of un-vaccinated individuals."
Of the 260 New Jerseyans who contracted COVID over the last few days, the governor said the overwhelming majority of them probably have not been vaccinated.
Supporting that statement, Murphy said studies show that the vaccination success rate is above 99 percent. So, it's logical to assume those coming down with the virus these days have not gotten their shots.
As of today, the state has vaccinated more than 4.5 million individuals. Murphy announced a goal of 4.7 million by the end of June and he said today that reaching that target is no longer in doubt.
In fact, he said New Jersey is doing a great job vaccinating its people. Murphy said that among relatively well-populated states, New Jersey's vaccination rate is "literally second to none."
But, as he noted himself, some are not getting the vaccine.
The state has come up with a number of gimmicks to entice people to get shots, including free drinks and even a dinner with Murphy and his wife.
An upbeat governor said he expected to reach the 4.7 million target and then keep on going.
Still, you get the feeling that we will eventually reach the point where all who want to be vaccinated will have done so.
Also looking ahead, the governor was asked what his metrics are in determining the pandemic to be truly over.
Assisting in that question was health official Edward Lifshitz who said he hopes things will continue to wind down.
But he weighed against a glorious pronouncement, saying no one should expect a 2021 version of V-E, or V-J Day.